
Browse our collection of over 923 broadcasts

Thanksgiving Outreach

Americans love to indulge on Thanksgiving. Can't you just taste that juicy turkey and dressing? Well, there are people who won't get to enjoy even the first bite of turkey. Maybe they're unmarried and don't have any family nearby. Maybe they're a single mom with three kids and can't afford all the fixings. Or maybe they're your elderly neighbor who's embarrassed to admit they don't have plans. Think about people...
Jan 01, 1970 / Holidays

Picking a fight with your spouse

Maybe you've had a bad day at the office, or you're stressed about the bills. You're grouchy, you're ready to unload, and you let the words fly. You take out your frustration on your mate hoping they'll take the bait. Well, there's a better way to vent. When you see your spouse, just say, "I'm cranky." They'll ask why, and that's when you get to let it all out—but more like a report instead of an attack. Your mate...
Jan 01, 1970 / General

Honoring Our Veterans

Veterans Day pays tribute to American veterans of all wars — especially those veterans still living. So spend some time this holiday honoring their service to our country. Fly the American flag in front of your home. Teach your children what the holiday means and why we celebrate it. Encourage them to send notes or cards to veterans you know, or those in hospitals and veterans' homes. Volunteer with your kids in...
Jan 01, 1970 / Holidays

Identity v. Image

If you look at how many of us live our lives, you would think the answer is clear… image is key. Your image is how you're viewed by others. We spend a lot of time creating our image… with our house, our car, our clothes, our friends . . . just so people will see us a certain way. Sometimes it's real, sometimes it's not. But your identity is who you are. It's real…it never changes. When you're clear about your...
Jan 01, 1970 / Miscellaneous

When it’s Time to Rebuild

Divorce… infidelity… the devastating loss of a child or spouse… these things, and others, can shatter a family. So, how do you begin the rebuilding process? First, survey the damage. Talk about it with each member of your family… really listen to the feelings they express, and be open about your own. Second, seek help from a trusted advisor or pastor who can help you sort out your emotions. Third, be patient—with...
Jan 01, 1970 / Coping & Loss

Formula 409

The cleaning product, Formula 409 didn't get its name from the area code where it was developed. And it's not the birth date of the creator's daughter. Formula 409 got its name from perseverance. The two persistent scientists didn't get the formula right on the 101st, or even the 401st try. Only when they created the 409th formula were they satisfied that they'd created the ultimate cleaner. Perseverance pays off...
Jan 01, 1970 / Character

Preparing to be an Empty Nester

It happens a lot... after the kids go off to college. Mom and Dad wake up the next day, sit down at the breakfast table, and wonder who the person is they are looking at. Reality strikes. They realize they don't even know each other anymore. Somewhere over the last few years, they've gotten so involved in their children's lives that they forgot about each other. Well, the best way to prepare to be an empty nester...
Jan 01, 1970 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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