
Browse our collection of over 92 broadcasts

5 Steps to Forgiveness in Marriage

Marriage is messy.  When two imperfect people come together, there are bound to be mistakes made and feelings hurt.  So when your spouse does something wrong and apologizes, how can you move towards accepting their apology and letting it go?  Here are 5 steps to forgiveness in marriage.  First, understand that forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling.  If you wait until you “feel” ready to forgive your spouse, then...
Jul 24, 2024 / General

The Sacred Search to Find a Spouse

In his book, The Sacred Search, Author Gary Thomas shares how to teach your children to choose a spouse who they love and also respect. He emphasizes choosing someone with common values and common vision—someone they truly enjoy spending time with. Gary shares that the reward for making a wise marital choice is so tremendous that he doesn’t want you to miss it. The consequences for making a foolish choice can be...
Jul 19, 2024 / General

How a Messy Marriage Can Be a Meaningful Marriage

Marriages are messy because people are messy. Each one of us is unique…we have unique minds and personalities. We have different ways of processing and seeing things. But a messy marriage can be a meaningful marriage. Communication is one of the messiest parts of marriage. For example, when you constantly have the same old marriage fights…things can get out of hand. To make that mess beautiful, it’s important to...
Jun 24, 2024 / General

What to Do When You Feel Like You Can’t Do Anything Right in Marriage

Because you and your spouse are two imperfect people, your marriage will be imperfect as well.  In my marriage, Susan and I aren’t always on the same page with what we need from each other.  As a result, we’ve both sometimes have had that feeling like, “I can’t do anything right.”  Instead of getting frustrated, here are 3 steps to take when you feel that way.  First, be sure you and your spouse define what is...
Jun 10, 2024 / General

7 Love Actions to Show Your Spouse

Romantic movies often give us the wrong impression of what love is.  They tell us that it takes grand gestures to show real love.  However, I’d suggest that many small acts of love add up to much more than one big gesture.  So, here are 7 love actions to show your spouse day in and day out.  First, write a note.  It can be a long love letter or just a short sticky note with words of encouragement.  Second, buy...
May 31, 2024 / General

From Empty Nest to Love Birds

School is coming to a close and that means some households will be child-free for the first time in 18 years.  For many moms, the Empty Nest Syndrome can be really difficult emotionally.  And moms who’ve invested all their time and energies into raising their children also face another challenge.  When the kids fly the coop, mom suddenly turns her affection and attention back to her husband, only to find that he’s...
Apr 10, 2024 / General

Lincoln’s Lessons for Enduring a Difficult Marriage

“Can’t you do anything right?” “You’re worthless.” Or “I don’t know why I married you.” Have you ever heard any of those scathing words before in your marriage? If you have, you’re not alone. In fact, one of the greatest men in American history has dealt with similar issues. His name? Abraham Lincoln. At the same time Lincoln was working to promote peace in America, he was struggling to keep peace in his marriage....
Mar 19, 2024 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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