
Browse our collection of over 92 broadcasts

8 Mistakes I've Made in My Marriage

I am so grateful for my 23 years of marriage to my wife, Susan.  She’s awesome! But I can tell you that I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my marriage. Here are 8 of them. Mistake number one…thinking that Susan was responsible for my happiness. In my early years of marriage, I felt like an important part of Susan’s “duty” as my wife was to make me happy. I was a bit more focused on me than us. Mistake number...
Jan 10, 2024 / General

Top 5 Marriage Secrets from Seasoned Veterans

Here are some of the best kept secrets to a successful marriage. First, understand that the universe does not revolve around your child. Do everything you can to keep your spouse a top priority.  Second, realize that love is a daily choice that you make and an action you take. Love is all about giving selflessly and sacrificially to your spouse. Third, never everstop dating. Carve out consistent time each week or...
Nov 28, 2023 / General

What to Do When You're Not in the Mood

When we talk about what a good marriage takes, we like to focus on the basics. We talk about loving our spouse, caring for our spouse, and spending time with our spouse. And while those things are certainly important, there’s a huge part of marriage that we don’t talk about as much…and that’s physical intimacy. When you’re married, you’re called to love your spouse in every way…emotionally, spiritually, and...
Nov 16, 2023 / General

How to Deal with Your Spouse's Bad Habits

She interrupted me mid-sentence…again. He left his clothes in a heap on the bedroom floor…again. Those annoying habits can be frustrating, especially when we’ve asked our spouse to stop doing them so many times. So what should you do? First, ask yourself, “Why does that habit really bother me?”  A habit might frustrate us if we have a certain way of doing things and our spouse does things very differently. Second,...
Nov 15, 2023 / General

How to Deal with Anxiety

Thunderstorms here in Florida come and go…often very quickly.  But what about the storms in our lives…the ones that don’t disappear so easily?  Anxiety can be one of those storms, and it’s more common than we think.  Anxiety affects 40 million adults in America…about 18% of our population.  Recently, some of my friends shared with me their battles with anxiety.  So what can you do if you experience anxiety? ...
Oct 30, 2023 / General

How Parenting Taught Me Insufficiency is Okay

Most of us want to be in control of things. We want to control people. We want to control circumstances. Basically, we want to control our entire lives. But we all know that we rarely get to decide how life goes. Author Matt Mooney wrote about a time in his life when he realized that self-sufficiency was an impossible goal. Becoming a father for the first time revealed to Matt just how out of control he really is....
Oct 20, 2023 / General

The Good News About Marriage

Mark Twain once said that “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Well, the bad news over the years about the institution of marriage has been exaggerated as well. In her book, The Good News About Marriage, best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn presents groundbreaking research that reveals the shocking and incredibly inspiring truth. Her research shows first that the actual divorce rate has never...
Sep 11, 2023 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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