
Browse our collection of over 90 broadcasts

How Parenting Taught Me Insufficiency is Okay

Most of us want to be in control of things. We want to control people. We want to control circumstances. Basically, we want to control our entire lives. But we all know that we rarely get to decide how life goes. Author Matt Mooney wrote about a time in his life when he realized that self-sufficiency was an impossible goal. Becoming a father for the first time revealed to Matt just how out of control he really is....
Oct 21, 2024 / General

All Pro Dad's Day Chapters

Men, will you take one simple action for the good of your child today? I’m Mark Merrill with today’s Family Minute. The action I’d like you to take will strengthen the bond you share with your child, help your child do better academically, and make you a hero. What is it? Start an All Pro Dad’s Day chapter at your child’s school. Simply go to and click on the How to Start a Chapter link for the...
Sep 30, 2024 / General

The Good News About Marriage

Mark Twain once said that “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” Well, the bad news over the years about the institution of marriage has been exaggerated as well. In her book, The Good News About Marriage, best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn presents groundbreaking research that reveals the shocking and incredibly inspiring truth. Her research shows first that the actual divorce rate has never...
Sep 10, 2024 / General

Back to the Basics of Parenting

In the movie, Mom’s Night Out, it shows us how we can get so caught up in the do’s and don’ts of parenting, that we forget what it means to simply love our kids well.  So if you’re ready to get back to the basics, let me start by asking you a question... When was the last time you sat on the floor and played with your child?  At its core, parenting well means getting on your child’s level—whether it’s painting...
Sep 04, 2024 / General

Attitude: Is it Killing Your Marriage?

Recently, I said something to my wife that I thought was harmless…I don’t even remember what it was. I was surprised when she didn’t respond favorably. I asked her what I said wrong. She said “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.” She couldn’t have been more correct.  How we say things are so important. When communicating with your spouse, remember your tone. Is it soft or harsh? Second, remember your...
Sep 03, 2024 / General

Feeling Overwhelmed All the Time?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pressures and busyness of life, you’re not alone. And if you aren’t careful, those things can lead you to a searing desert where joy evaporates. But solitude and silence are an oasis that can help you gain perspective in at least five ways. First, solitude and silence can make you feel helpless and help you realize you’re not in control of so many things in life. And when you...
Aug 13, 2024 / General

5 Steps to Forgiveness in Marriage

Marriage is messy.  When two imperfect people come together, there are bound to be mistakes made and feelings hurt.  So when your spouse does something wrong and apologizes, how can you move towards accepting their apology and letting it go?  Here are 5 steps to forgiveness in marriage.  First, understand that forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling.  If you wait until you “feel” ready to forgive your spouse, then...
Jul 24, 2024 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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