
Browse our collection of over 65 broadcasts

5 Game-Changers to Have a Great Marriage

Every couple experiences rough patches, but not every couple reacts the same.  Some give up, while others work to survive.  So if you and your spouse are ready to move from a season of difficulty to a season of joy, here are 5 game-changers to have a great marriage.  First, stop comparing your marriage to an unrealistic standard.  Understand that no matter how happy other couples seem on the surface, there’s no...
Aug 30, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage

Are You Encouraging Your Spouse to Cheat?

There’s no excuse for having an affair. And sure, sometimes they happen out of the blue but, more often than not, affairs don’t just happen. Usually there are things that are said or not said, done or not done, over the years that are contributing factors.  Here are some ways to push your spouse toward an affair.  First, constantly, compare and criticize.  Hurt and tear down your spouse with critical or comparing...
Aug 20, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage

How to Help Your Spouse Have an Affair

In marriage, there are two people and two sides to every story.  When it comes to affairs, both spouses can often point to things that led to the infidelity.  The person having the affair cannot justify it…it’s never a good thing…but there may be some things that pushed them in that direction.  Here are some ways to push your spouse toward an affair.  First, don’t really listen.  Be sure to glance down at your...
Jul 31, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage

How to Revive a Dying Marriage

There are some things we need to survive physically—air, food, water. There are some things we need to survive emotionally in marriage—things like love, trust, truth and understanding. When a marriage is deprived of such things, it can slowly start to die. Here are 3 ways to revive a dying marriage.  First, stop suffocating your marriage.  Your words are powerful—the words you say out loud to your spouse and the...
Jun 17, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage

6 Questions to Ask Before You Call It Quits in Marriage

Before you pack your bags and call it quits, here are some questions to ask. First, ask, “Have we done everything we can to rehabilitate our marriage?” It’s important to fight hard for your marriage—whether it’s by seeking counseling, slaying addictions or reprioritizing your life. Second, ask, “Is there unresolved conflict?” Instead of covering up your hurts, try sharing and working through those feelings...
May 13, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage

What to Remember Before You Call It Quits in Marriage

Before you take the first step down that painful path, here are 3 truths to consider.  First, remember your vows.  You promised to have and to hold your spouse from this day forward for better or for worse.  This commitment was meant to be for a lifetime.  Second, remember what marriage is.  It’s not a conditional contract, but an unconditional covenant of love.  The difference?  A contract is all about what you...
May 09, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage

Superman’s Fatal Flaw

Superman’s virtually indestructible, but he can be brought to his knees by a tiny piece of rock.  Kryptonite drains him of his powers and makes him vulnerable.  Prolonged exposure will even kill him. Well, what about us mere mortals?  In marriage, we can often see the big things coming.  But the small things… criticism, indifference, keeping score… these little radioactive stones can creep up on us and slowly zap...
Apr 18, 2024 / Saving Your Marriage



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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