
Browse our collection of over 10 broadcasts

The Top Apps for Kids

From iPhones to iPads, laptops to video games, it seems our kids are never short on entertainment.  But even with our kids spending more and more time using technology, our job as parents remains this: to guard our children’s hearts and minds.  Knowing what apps your child uses is key—as well as knowing what those apps are capable of.  Here are some of the top apps kids are using.  First, there’s Instagram. ...
Mar 27, 2024 / School and Learning

What You Can Learn About Your Child from His Teacher

After spending 180 days together, your child’s teacher is bound to know a thing or two about your child.  Each day, teachers get to observe first-hand things like how your child interacts with others, how your child is challenged, and even how your child handles pressure.  So learn more about your child and their education by asking their teacher specific questions.  First, ask, “In what areas does my child...
Mar 07, 2024 / School and Learning

Why Education is Not the Most Important Thing for Kids

In 1870, 9,000 people graduated from college in America.  This year, about 3.7 million people will.  As our kids spend more years in school than any previous generation, we have to ask, “Are our kids being educated on the things that matter most?  Education as we know it today—head knowledge—is very, very important.  But what about “heart knowledge?”—things like character and virtues.   Heart knowledge is...
Mar 16, 2016 / School and Learning

How to Help Kids Deal with Stress

Now that school is in full swing again, you may notice that your child is starting to experience some pressure.  Children often feel socially and emotionally stressed through school.  As parents, we should look for ways to help them learn how to cope with stress in healthy ways.  Set a good example in how you handle stress.  If your children are fearful about something, listen to their concerns, and share how you...
Sep 20, 2013 / School and Learning

6 Ways to Make Every School Year Count

My wife, Susan, and I have five children and we’ve learned – sometimes the hard way – a few back-to-school lessons along the way.  Our kids have experienced every type of school – public school. . . private school. . . and homeschool.  And we have experienced every type of learner.  So we’ve taken all that experience and put it in a free Back-to-School ebook that will help make every year count!  Learn how to...
Sep 11, 2013 / School and Learning

6 Questions You Need to Ask Your Child's Teacher

Gone are the lazy, hazy days of summer.  As a parent, you may be breathing a sigh of relief, but don’t think your vacation starts just because your kids’ vacation is over.  In a few weeks, parent/teacher conferences will take place.  Take this opportunity to open the lines of communication with your child’s teacher.  Here are 7 questions you need to ask your child’s teacher.  First, is my child performing up to...
Aug 21, 2013 / School and Learning

Connect with Your Kids over School Breakfast

One of my favorite things about working at Family First is the opportunity we have to influence thousands of families across the country through our iMOM Morning and All Pro Dad’s Day school breakfast programs. Parents and kids gather monthly before school to laugh, learn, and grow closer to each other. As parents, this is a valuable way to stay connected with our kids by discussing tough topics and a great way to...
Jan 14, 2013 / School and Learning



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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