
Browse our collection of over 18 broadcasts

7 Ways to Know You Are Being a Good Mom

Recently, my wife Susan, shared with me that, at a basic level, you’re a good mom if your child knows you love them.  Simple gestures from your kids reveal whether they know you love them.  So here are some actions to look for in your children that will help you know you are being a good mom.  First, you know you’re being a good mom when your child shares their fears and dreams with you.  Second, when your older...
Jul 16, 2024 / Motherhood

3 Bedtime No No’s for Moms

As bedtime approaches, your kids obediently put on their pajamas, they only ask for one sip of water, and then they quietly listen to you read the perfect bedtime story.  Right?  Wrong!  Putting the kids to bed may be more like a wrestling match —wrestling with a child who always needs to get up to go to the bathroom just one more time.  With all the frustrations that come with bedtime, how can parents keep their...
Jul 10, 2024 / Motherhood

What You Need to Know for Raising Sons

We all know that boys are very different from girls.  Generally speaking, boys are rougher, louder, and less attentive.  So how can you raise your boy to be a responsible man?  Here are 7 principles for raising sons well.  First, channel their energy.  Rather than try to get rid of your son’s energy, channel it into something productive like sports, arts, or other activities with friends.  Second, protect their...
Jun 19, 2024 / Motherhood

Life Hacks for Moms

Life Hacks are simple ideas that make life easier.  And if there’s anyone who needs a good life hack, it’s moms.  Moms are the ones who keep families going with their encouragement, support, love, and selflessness.  So here are some 7 ways to deal with stress for moms.  First, we have a Conversation Life Hack.  This gives moms simple conversation starters to stay involved in their kids’ lives.  Second, check out...
Jun 12, 2024 / Motherhood

The Passionate Mom

Every mom desires to do her job well. But how can a mom know she’s doing it right?  And with all of the parenting options out there, how can a mother feel confident with her choices? The answer lies in a new book, The Passionate Mom, written by my wife Susan. The book shows mothers what they can start doing today to turn their passion for their children into a plan to protect them and provide them a promising...
Apr 09, 2024 / Motherhood

5 Ways to Be a Kind Mom

We all know the different types of moms. There are the feisty moms, the quiet moms, the controlling moms, and the relaxed moms. But there’s one thing that each of these moms has in common: The ability to be kind to their child. Though we often equate kindness with being weak, we must understand that being kind means using our words and actions to build up our children for good. So, here are 3 ways to be a kind...
Dec 27, 2023 / Motherhood

23 Bad Habits Moms Can Break

We all make bad decisions sometimes. But when those bad decisions happen over and over, they lead to bad habits. Here are a few common bad habits that moms may want to break. First, break the habit of telling your child “I’ll be right there” and then forgetting about it. If your child doesn’t get attention from you, they may go looking for attention in the wrong places. Second, break the habit of spending money...
Dec 13, 2023 / Motherhood



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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