
Browse our collection of over 65 broadcasts

Huddle Up Questions

In a sports game, you huddle up to reconnect and get back on the same page as your team mates.  In the same way, huddling up with your kids is a great way to escape the busyness of life and reconnect with them.  So huddle up with your kids tonight and use our list of 10 Huddle Up Questions.  Try asking, “What was one of your biggest mistakes and what did you learn from it?” or “What is the most important thing I...
Jun 07, 2024 / Relationships and Communication

20 Questions to Ask Your Child

To really love your child, you must know them.  And knowing your child comes through spending time talking with them.  My wife has done an awesome job of this with her “Pillow Talk” questions—open-ended questions she asks to get our kids talking.  This way, they were able to stay connected in the midst of their busy lives.  I encourage you to share meaningful conversations with your kids by using these 20...
Jun 05, 2024 / Relationships and Communication

3 Ways to Love Your Family with Technology

When it comes to relationships, technology has developed a bit of a bad reputation over the years. But before you jump on that bandwagon, consider these 3 ways to love your family well with technology. First, Skype, Google Hangout or FaceTime your college and career kids. It’s a great way to stay emotionally connected despite the physical distance.  Second, post old and new pictures of your spouse or kids on...
May 24, 2024 / Relationships and Communication

How to Deal with Different Types of Difficult People

You might want to avoid them or fix them.  Instead, focus on how to handle them.  Here are some different types of difficult people. First, there’s “The Hammer.”  This person is hard on everything and everyone, so don’t take it personally.  Try to separate the way they communicate from the points they make or you may miss some good feedback or information.  Second there’s “The Bubble Buster.”  This person doesn’t...
May 08, 2024 / Relationships and Communication

How to Lead Your Family Well with New Orleans Saints Tight End Benjamin Watson

In life, your family may enjoy many successes, but will also face some failures as well. New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson says your job is to lead your family well through it all. Here are his 3 keys of family leadership. First, lead with love. To grow a loving family, you must lead by example. Start by loving your spouse well. This will show your kids what a loving relationship looks like. Second,...
May 02, 2024 / Relationships and Communication

Dependence or Independence?

It seems like everything we hear today links strength with independence… it’s the American way, right?  Well, independence is great if you’re talking about things like freedom and finances, but not when it comes to family relationships. There’s only one independent Being in the universe and it is not you or me!  We are made to be dependent.  A child should depend on, and live under, the authority of his mother and...
Apr 08, 2024 / Relationships and Communication

The Key to a Close-Knit Family

I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t want a strong, close-knit family. The question is: How do we move from wanting one to having one? Growing up, I remember seeing a highway billboard over and over again on our road trips. It said, “The Family That Prays Together, Stays Together.” A number of recent studies have revealed that there is in fact some truth to this timeless slogan.  Specifically, research has shown that...
Mar 18, 2024 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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