
Browse our collection of over 65 broadcasts

5 Things to Say to Your Kids Every Day

Part of being a great dad…an All Pro Dad, means using words that encourage your kids.  It means taking every opportunity you get to make your child feel special and loved by you.  So here are some things you should say to your kids every day.  First say, “I love you.”  Love is the foundation for building a strong relationship with your kids.  And since you can never say it too often, tell your kids you love...
Sep 20, 2023 / Relationships and Communication

10 Compliments Your Kids Need to Hear

Everyone needs affirmation, encouragement, and compliments…your children do too. And the best person to give them that boost they need is YOU: their parent. So to help get you started, here are some compliments your kids need to hear.  First, compliment their character.  When your child demonstrates honesty, integrity, or kindness, take them aside and offer a sincere compliment.  Second, compliment their...
Sep 19, 2023 / Relationships and Communication

How to React to Porcupine People in Your Life

In the wild, prodding a porcupine with a stick or by yelling doesn’t work very well…it just makes the porcupine more angry. You risk being on the receiving end of some sharp, painful quills. It’s the same way in our relationships. If you prod a porcupine spouse, teen, or in-law, with your words, things usually don’t go to well. Saying things like “What’s your problem?” just makes them even more mad.  There are...
Sep 15, 2023 / Relationships and Communication

Write to Right a Wrong

You've heard that two wrongs don't make a right, but it's possible that you can right a wrong with the written word. Maybe this has happened to you. You say something in the heat of the moment, you take a joke too far; someone you love gets hurt. You need to apologize, right? Why not try something a little different. Write it out in a note, you can even use our free stationery. A note can be a well thought...
Apr 21, 2022 / Relationships and Communication

Hurt People Hurt People

Behind the bratty child may be a workaholic parent. Behind the gossiping man or woman might be an emotionally removed spouse. And behind the alcoholic son may be an abusive or alcoholic father.  We know the truth all too well: Hurt people hurt people. So how can you keep your hurts from leading you to hurt others? Here are 3 ways to break the cycle. First, explore old wounds. Admit you’ve been hurt and try to...
Apr 30, 2020 / Relationships and Communication

5 Hard Topics to Talk About for Kids

In the midst of all the things we need to do for our kids, we sometimes forget that one of our biggest responsibilities is to communicate with them.  As our children grow older, certain topics should be discussed.  These topics aren’t always easy or fun, but they’re important.  So here are 5 hard topics you need to talk about with your kids.  First, talk about sex.  While it may be an uncomfortable conversation,...
May 28, 2018 / Relationships and Communication

5 Ways to Hug a Porcupine

It’s easy to love people who are loveable. But what about those who aren’t? It’s hard to hug prickly porcupine people but I’ve got some ways you can do it. First, hug the porcupine with your arms. This one’s obvious…sometimes a porcupine just needs your arms around them. Second, hug the porcupine with your hands. This is practical love. For example, if your spouse is overwhelmed, take the burden off them by...
Sep 29, 2017 / Relationships and Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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