
Browse our collection of over 92 broadcasts

Back to the Basics of Parenting

In the movie, Mom’s Night Out, it shows us how we can get so caught up in the do’s and don’ts of parenting, that we forget what it means to simply love our kids well.  So if you’re ready to get back to the basics, let me start by asking you a question... When was the last time you sat on the floor and played with your child?  At its core, parenting well means getting on your child’s level—whether it’s painting...
Sep 05, 2023 / General

Attitude: Is it Killing Your Marriage?

Recently, I said something to my wife that I thought was harmless…I don’t even remember what it was. I was surprised when she didn’t respond favorably. I asked her what I said wrong. She said “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.” She couldn’t have been more correct.  How we say things are so important. When communicating with your spouse, remember your tone. Is it soft or harsh? Second, remember your...
Sep 04, 2023 / General

Do You Control Your Emotions or Do Your Emotions Control You?

Emotions are so powerful that at times they seem to overwhelm us. Emotions like jealousy, anger, fear, worry, and grief can put us on a reactionary path. But you don’t have to be controlled by your emotions. These tips may help. First, be the boss of your thoughts. Emotions certainly affect your thoughts, but your thoughts can also guide your emotions. Try to look at an emotional decision or situation with someone...
Dec 30, 2022 / General

Top 10 Marriage Mistakes

Let’s face it: we all make mistakes. And more often than not, the recipient of those mistakes is our spouse.  But small failures in a marriage don’t mean it’s time to give up.  Instead, it’s an opportunity to be honest with ourselves about the areas we struggle in so that we can learn.  So here are some common marriage mistakes and how to overcome them.  First, we often take our spouse for granted.  Instead, it’s...
Aug 01, 2018 / General

Be a Better Spouse: Accept, Applaud, Allow

It’s easy to instruct your mate on how they can be a better husband or wife.  But maybe it’s time to look at yourself.  Maybe it’s time for you to be the best you can be.  How? First, accept your spouse for who they are. Love them unconditionally. Accept their wonderful qualities…and their flaws. Second, applaud your spouse.  When you see your spouse doing something good, encourage them with your words. Third,...
May 25, 2018 / General

My Marriage Walk vs. My Marriage Talk

Today I realized that I’ve been writing and speaking about how to have a great marriage, but I haven’t been putting all of it into practice.  Why? Well, a house flood, new book, financial pressures, family health challenges, and busyness have all played a role in keeping me from focusing on my marriage. But there’s no excuse. So, what am I doing about it? First, I’m re-reading some of my own blog posts on marriage...
May 10, 2018 / General

What is Love? The Do’s and Don’ts of Marriage

Since the beginning of mankind, people have been trying to figure out what love truly is.  We’ve gotten answers from poets, novelists, theologians, even singers. So who has it right?  What is love?  Well, I may not have the perfect answer, but I would like to share with you what I’ve learned about love after 25 years of marriage.  Here are the Do’s and Don’ts of Marriage.  First, DON’T be selfish. DO put your...
May 07, 2018 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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