
Browse our collection of over 938 broadcasts

Agree to Disagree in Marriage?

Most of the time, married couples should be in agreement. Especially when it comes to big things like your relationship, your family, your beliefs. But when a minor issue has the potential to become a major problem, then it's better to keep the peace than to be right. For example, if my wife and I are buying a couch and she picks one that I don't really like, I can dig my heels in and fight, or we can try to...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

Argument Curfew

Soon after my wife and I were married, we made a discovery. It seemed like when we argued, it was at night… when we were tired and irritable from a long day. So we set a curfew on serious discussions: nine o'clock is the limit. Now, when we start to get into a heavy talk after nine, we remind each other that it's late, we're not going to resolve anything tonight, and we can talk about it tomorrow. The next...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

The 7 Marks of Maturity

When they can demonstrate maturity. That can be a tricky thing to pinpoint these days. Your teen may look like an adult physically, but emotionally still be child-like. You can't stand Tommy up against a door jamb and mark his emotional growth like you measured his height. Instead, you have to look for other marks to see growing maturity. Leadership expert, Dr. Tim Elmore has compiled a list of 7 Marks of...
Jan 01, 1970 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Lessons Learned from My Children

My kids have taught me a lot of things…and I can tell you, it's a very humbling experience. One thing that they've shown me over and over again is my lack of patience. For example, my impatience with the grocery store cashier during check out, or the waitress at a restaurant, and my impatience driving them to school. You get the picture! It's kind of embarrassing to admit. When they point out my impatience...
Jan 01, 1970 / Fatherhood

Just Like Dad

The old saying goes that girls often choose husbands who are like their dads. How does that sit with you? Our girls are watching us for an example of what to expect from their future spouse. Are you kind to your wife? Do you encourage her? What about your daughter… do you hug her and tell her you love her? Are you there when she needs you? If you aren't, it's not too late to change. Sit down with your...
Jan 01, 1970 / Fatherhood

How Do Fathers Affect the Lives of Their Children?

In 1909, Sonora Dodd created the concept of Fathers' Day to celebrate the many sacrifices her father had made to preserve his family after her mother had died. She described her father as a selfless, courageous and loving man. Today, more than 100 Fathers' Days later, more than 24 million children in America live in fatherless homes. The absence of fathers from their children's lives has led to poverty, low...
Jan 01, 1970 / Fatherhood

Leaders Set the Climate

It's not something that's in your job description at work. It's not something that you think about as a husband, wife or parent. But it's critical in any position of leadership. It's establishing the climate… the right kind of climate. A mother or father establishes the climate when they walk through the door at night. A worker sets the temperature for co-workers at the office. A coach sets the climate out...
Jan 01, 1970 / Inspirational



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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