
Browse our collection of over 923 broadcasts

A Male Chauvinist… Bug?

The male Zeus bug, a tiny water bug common along Australia's east coast, hitches a ride on the female for up to a week, counting on the female to feed him and mate with him at will. That's a bug's life. It's all take and no give. Sound familiar? Well, in the lives of humans there's a law of diminishing returns when one side always gives and the other always takes. Marriage needs to be a 100%/100%,...
Jan 01, 1970 / General

Giving Thanks

Quick! Name three things you're thankful for. This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, and most of us will pause and give thanks for our blessings. But what about the other 364 days of the year? Try this: every morning, say out loud three things you're thankful for. I mean it. Even if you're having a really rough time in your life. If you think about it, there are always things to be grateful for—your husband. Your...
Jan 01, 1970 / Holidays

First Thanksgiving

As Indians and Pilgrims sat down together that first Thanksgiving day, they not only gave thanks for their food and their bountiful harvest, but also for the relationships they shared with each other and with new friends. So tomorrow, before you sit down to a feast of turkey and all the trimmings, take stock of the relationships your family has nurtured over the last year. Which relationships are stronger? ...
Jan 01, 1970 / Holidays

Lesson from Lovebirds

We had some lovebirds at our home, and I can tell you that these birds have more to offer to us than just a cute name. Lovebirds mate for life and get their name because they sit together in pairs for long periods of time, preening and cooing. These birds live in smaller communities and form relationships with other pairs. Lovebirds teach us three lessons. First, we need to be committed to our spouse for life....
Jan 01, 1970 / General

Lonely in Your Marriage

Maybe you're lonely because your spouse is never home. Maybe they're at home but still very distant…you're searching for intimacy with your soul-mate, craving their companionship. What can you do when you're feeling so far away from your spouse? First, communicate your need to your spouse in a non-confrontational and non-accusatory manner. Let them know that you love them and want to spend time with them. ...
Jan 01, 1970 / General

Credit Free Christmas

If you're looking for a way to scale back on expenses, why not commit to a credit-free Christmas this year? Resist the temptation to spend money you don't have on material things that ultimately have very little meaning, and provide very little satisfaction. The Christmas season isn't about "things," it's about relationships…. with your family, your friends, your Creator. So, cut up the cards, lock them away in...
Jan 01, 1970 / Holidays

4th of July Quiz

Give your kids a quiz. Make it fun and award a prize to the one who gets the most answers right. You can use questions like: "Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? Who sewed the first American flag? And, who was the king of England during the Revolutionary War?" Do you know the answers? Well, to get them, and to find more questions for your own 4th of July quiz, go here. It's a great way to teach your...
Jan 01, 1970 / Holidays



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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