
Browse our collection of over 938 broadcasts

Tech-Savvy Summer Memories

One mom I know asked her four-year-old to tell her his favorite things about their recent trip. She wrote down his answers and put them in their vacation scrapbook. A dad uses his smartphone to make short videos of his kids that he uploads to YouTube for friends and family to view. Another parent uses a digital camera to catch candid moments throughout the summer, then they take the pictures and make a slide show...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

William and Kate: Before You Say “I do”

After a couple announces the engagement, everyone shifts into preparation mode. A lot of time is spent on guest lists, the ceremony, and the honeymoon. It's easy to get so caught up in thinking about the wedding day preparations that sometimes couples forget about preparation for a lifetime of marriage. So take time to really get to know each other, ask hard questions and go to pre-marital counseling before you...
Jan 01, 1970 / General

You Can Be a Friend

Some children seem to have the knack of making friends easily, while others struggle. If your child is one who has a hard time making friends, there are 4 things you can encourage them to do. First, smile so people will know you're friendly. Second, compliment your new friend so they know you like them. Third, ask questions to get to know your friend better. Fourth, invite your friend to our house to play. ...
Jan 01, 1970 / Life Stage: Grade-schoolers

Parent or Buddy?

A lot of parents have a hard time telling the difference. And that's a problem. You've seen it…a mom dressed like her teenage daughter. A dad who offers his teenage son a beer while they watch the game. When mom or dad becomes a buddy, the child loses out on the most important relationship…that of parent and child. Your kids have plenty of friends, what they need from you is guidance, love and boundaries. They...
Jan 01, 1970 / General

Teens and Depression

The teen years can bring some tough emotional struggles. Most kids want to be popular and well-liked. If that doesn't happen, they can turn inward and withdraw into depression, or they can vent outward and do harm to themselves or others. What can you do? Well, the Journal of Youth and Adolescence says that religious worship significantly reduces depression among teenagers. It gets kids connected to something...
Jan 01, 1970 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Four Cs for Communicating with Your Teen

Just remember the four Cs. First, check your emotions. Before you speak to your teen, make sure you're in a state of mind that's calm rather than emotional. Second, be confident that what you are saying is in their best interest, not just yours. Third, be clear in what you tell them, ask them to do, or not do… don't beat around the bush. Fourth, be concise in what you say. Don't repeat yourself over and over...
Jan 01, 1970 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Good Timing

I'm talking about timing in marriage – specifically, when it comes to discussing things with your spouse. You want to talk to your wife about the phone bill so you bombard her as soon as she walks in the door from work. Your husband is sick with the flu but you go ahead and bring up the broken sink anyway. Or, your wife is exhausted, and just as her head hits the pillow you bring up the budget. All bad timing. ...
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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