
Browse our collection of over 923 broadcasts

Make the Most of Your Time

This Sunday, Daylight Savings Time ends – which means the days will seem shorter. As if they're not short enough already! As they say, there's only so much time in a day. Everything we say "yes" to takes time away from something – or someone – else. Usually it's our spouse or our children. We've got to say "no" to more outside things – "no" to that dinner meeting, "no" to joining that committee, "no" to that golf...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

Bowl Them Over

Ninety million people will be glued to the television this Super Bowl Sunday. If you plan on watching the game, why not make it a family affair? Start with a game plan for the day. It might include firing up the grill, or letting each child choose something they want to eat. You can also have each family member rate the new Super Bowl commercials or predict the score at the end of each quarter. Give prizes to the...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Time & Vacations

William and Kate: Before You Say “I do”

After a couple announces the engagement, everyone shifts into preparation mode. A lot of time is spent on guest lists, the ceremony, and the honeymoon. It's easy to get so caught up in thinking about the wedding day preparations that sometimes couples forget about preparation for a lifetime of marriage. So take time to really get to know each other, ask hard questions and go to pre-marital counseling before you...
Jan 01, 1970 / General

10 Things Wives Want to Hear from Husbands

Yesterday we talked about what a husband wants to hear from his wife. Today we'll talk about the 10 things wives want to hear from their husbands. So men, here's what you can say. Number one… "Thanks for all you do for our family." Number two… "You are a great mom and wife." Three… "Let me do that for you." Four… "I love you so much." Here are the rest of the 10 Things Wives Want to Hear from Their Husbands.
Jan 01, 1970 / Communication

A Surfer, a Shark and a Story of Survival

Bethany Hamilton dreamed of being a professional surfer, but at 13, she lost her arm in a shark attack. You'd think that would be the end of her career plans, but that's not the case. The new movie, Soul Surfer, will show you three things that Bethany did to realize her dreams. You can do them, too. First, put the pain aside. Before you can do anything about your circumstances, you have to be able to move...
Jan 01, 1970 / Inspirational

Home Organization 101

The stairs are piled high with dirty laundry and crumbled up homework.  The toy room is a sea of puzzle pieces and too many action figures to count.  And forget finding any pair of shoes in the hall closet that actually go together.  Sound like your home?  If so, it may be time for your family to get organized with these tips.  First, clean up the kids’ rooms and toy room.  Try storing toys in bins on low shelves...
May 12, 0018 / Family Living



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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