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More, more, more

The list of "I wants" can go on and on. For kids it's, "I want that video game." "I want that scooter." For us, it's, "I want that car." "I want that couch." No matter what we have, there's always more. Henry David Thoreau said, "We make ourselves rich by making our wants few." Most of us already have what we need… it's just a matter of controlling what we want. So, the next time someone in your family wants to...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Living

When Drinking Becomes a Problem

These questions might help you determine the answer. Do you drink alone when you feel angry or sad? Does your drinking ever make you late for work? Do you ever drink after telling yourself you won't? Do you ever forget what you did while drinking? Has anyone in your family expressed concern about your drinking? If so, don't brush it off… really listen to what they have to say… and get help. Talk to your spouse,...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Health

The Truth about Marriage

Marriage is really hard….and takes a lot of work. Even after all that hard work, I still mess up. I mean, I want an awesome marriage, but I still DO the things I shouldn't, and DON'T do the things I should. One day I praise her, the next I put her down. One day I'm happy with her, the next I'm angry. So, what can I do? Sure, I'll ask for forgiveness, and I'll work to handle it the right way next time. But...
Jan 01, 1970 / Dating Your Spouse

The Lifelong Date

Here's what I mean. When we get married it seems like the niceties of dating go out the window. She stops shaving her legs every night and he stops covering his mouth when he belches – the whole neighborhood can hear him. Sure, it's great to be comfortable with our spouse, but we still need to work at keeping the magic alive. So as you're going through your daily routine, think back to the nice things you used...
Jan 01, 1970 / Dating Your Spouse

Let LOVE Be Your Valentine

It's the gift of L.O.V.E. L stands for listen… pay full attention when your partner talks. Stop what you're doing and don't interrupt. O is for observe... make getting to know their likes and dislikes a priority. V is for value… value them for who they are…what makes them unique. And E is for encourage…build them up with your words and actions. Four little letters that spell out lessons in love. It's the...
Jan 01, 1970 / Dating Your Spouse

Fall Sports: How to Cheer Your Child in Athletics

If they are, remember your position. You're there to be an encourager, not to be overbearing. No child wants to be embarrassed by a parent who's screaming and yelling uncontrollably. I was coaching my son's baseball game a few years ago and I got frustrated with the umpire's calls. So, what did I do? I got mad…threw my hat on the ground and walked off the field. Youth sports can bring out the best…or the worst in...
Jan 01, 1970 / General

Home Organization 101

The stairs are piled high with dirty laundry and crumbled up homework.  The toy room is a sea of puzzle pieces and too many action figures to count.  And forget finding any pair of shoes in the hall closet that actually go together.  Sound like your home?  If so, it may be time for your family to get organized with these tips.  First, clean up the kids’ rooms and toy room.  Try storing toys in bins on low shelves...
May 12, 0018 / Family Living



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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