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Claim Your Children

Aug 27, 2015 / General     

It’s not some high-tech gadget you can pick up at a store… it’s a sense of belonging. So how can you instill that in your kids? At home, let your kids know they’re important to you, and to your family. Affirm their positive character traits, encourage their unique gifts, and let them know their thoughts and opinions matter. Then, when you’re out in public, praise them to others – and proudly claim them: “This is my daughter, Rachel… she’s an amazing young lady”… “This is my son, Bryan… I’m so proud of him.” Give your kids a sense of belonging and they’ll never have to look for it elsewhere.  

For more on this topic on my blog, go to



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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