
Browse our collection of over 28 broadcasts

Father-Daughter Bucket List

Time passes in the blink of an eye.  One moment your daughter is dancing on your toes in the kitchen, the next she is getting ready to dance with a boy at her first prom.  While you can’t slow down time, you can make the most of the time you do have with your daughter.  So to help the two of you make memories, here is a general bucket list of things for fathers and daughters.  First, take dance lessons together. ...
Jan 05, 2024 / Family Time & Vacations

12 Things You Should Do with Your Kids Every Year

Maybe your son is passionate about art. Maybe your daughter is passionate about animals. No matter what it may be, every child is uniquely wired to be passionate about something. And, as parents, it’s up to us to help spark our child’s curiosity. To do so, there are certain things you should do with your children every year. First, take them to a science museum where they can experiment and learn. Second, take...
Dec 29, 2023 / Family Time & Vacations

“Throwback Thursdays” for Your Family

The best evenings at home with my kids weren’t spent with each of us with our fingers on our smart phones or watching TV.  The best times were nights when we sat around on the floor and played Monopoly, a game of cards; or, when we played kick ball in the back yard. “Throwback Thursday” is a day when we can look back on how things used to be and post a picture from long ago. Maybe we could take the idea a step...
Mar 04, 2019 / Family Time & Vacations

How to Make Your Family Vacation a Family Vacation

As I look back on my childhood, I realize the best family vacations we took were ones where we could really focus on one another.  Our drive out west to Yellowstone National Park together and our camping trips as a family were great vacations. So here are 4 ways to put the “family” back in your “family vacation.”  First, go together.  Find a week that works for everyone, then pile into the car and enjoy the ride. ...
Mar 28, 2014 / Family Time & Vacations

How to Be a Good Investor

Every good investor has vision…patience… and insight.  An old Chinese proverb offers this lesson.  If your vision is for a year, plant wheat.  If your vision is for ten years, plant trees.  But if your vision is for a lifetime, plant people.  Things like stocks come and go, but people will carry your values and beliefs through generations.  Investing in your family is the ultimate long-term view, the mutual fund...
Nov 14, 2013 / Family Time & Vacations

How to Build Memorable Monuments with Your Child This Summer

Our children need us to build lasting monuments in their lives. I call them “memorable monuments.” Memorable monuments are things you do with your kids that create lasting, loving memories. Here are things you can do to build memorable monuments with your child this summer. Discover what he most likes to do with you and then do that together on a weekly or monthly basis. Your child’s favorite thing may be...
Jul 05, 2013 / Family Time & Vacations

Just for Today: How to Spend Time with Your Kids

Update: Moms, please note that you don't have to opt-in to the Espresso Minute to receive Operation Summer. We apologize for the inaccurate information in Wednesday's Family Minute and want you to know that you can easily access Operation Summer Lovin' 2013 resources and sign up to receive email updates here. Just for today, tell your kids: I’ll forget about my to-do list and take you to the park.  I will silence...
Jun 07, 2013 / Family Time & Vacations



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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