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Stop, Drop, and Roll: 3 Ways to Increase Family Time This Summer

Jul 02, 2024 / Family Time & Vacations     

We only have so many summers to make memories with our kids before they leave the nest. So, with school out, give your kids your best. First, STOP being connected 24/7 to work. Give yourself permission to be DISCONNECTED from work so you can be RECONNECTED with your kids. Second, DROP the phones, tablets and other tech that keep you from your family. Set daily times, especially when you’re on vacation, where you’ll be tech-free. Finally, ROLL with the punches.  Our summer plans rarely go off without a hitch.  So be flexible and be available for your kids. Here are more tips for how to Increase Family Time This Summer



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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