
Browse our collection of over 56 broadcasts

3 Keys of Family Leadership

Here are some of the basics of being a leader to your wife and kids. First, leading well means loving well. Showing care and affection to your wife provides a great example that your kids can understand and follow. Second, leading well means growing well. Men tend to act as if they have it all together. Instead, it’s important to teach your kids how to admit mistakes and grow in the future. Finally, leading well...
Feb 18, 2015 / Fatherhood

7 Things a Daughter Needs from Her Father

As your little girl grows up, there will be many boys that come in and out of her life. But the one man who should always be there for her is you, her dad. Fathers play a vital role in their daughter’s journey to adulthood and, along the way, there are some important things that every daughter needs from her dad. First, she needs you to be involved and interested in her life. Second, your daughter needs you to...
Jan 28, 2015 / Fatherhood

3 Angry Dad Scenarios That Hurt Your Children

It’s no secret that many men anger easily when their buttons are pressed.  In most cases, the anger is not productive.  So with our kids watching, how can we be careful to avoid blind rage?  Here are 3 angry dad scenarios and solutions.  First, there are the times when it’s no use crying over spilled milk.  When your child accidently messes something up, you have a single moment to either get angry or get calm and...
Jul 30, 2014 / Fatherhood

8 Things Every Father Must Teach His Daughter

My three daughters know my voice.  When they were younger, they listened to my voice as I read bedtime stories and cheered them on at their soccer games, piano recitals, and school plays. As they grew older, my daughters began to notice other voices in the world…voices from people and sources that would never love them like I do. So my job was to make sure my daughters heard my voice above all others.  Here are 8...
Oct 30, 2013 / Fatherhood

A Critical Question for Every Man and Every Father

One of the biggest challenges for men today is living a life of integrity. Integrity is what you do when no one else is looking.  Secret temptations and addictions in a man’s life can damage that integrity and keep him from being the leader he was designed to be at home, at work and in life. So how can a man guard against those temptations and addictions? Be open for inspection. For example, my wife knows my...
Oct 18, 2013 / Fatherhood

Feeling Left Out?

Does it seem like your kids turn to your wife more than they turn to you?  If they do, take a look at how you’re parenting.  Are you a listener, or a lecturer?  Do you praise your kids or put them down?  Do you show them patience or lose your temper?  Are you fun to be around or always edgy?  Do you spend time with them, or fill your schedule with other things?  Now, even though kids naturally turn more to mom...
Sep 26, 2013 / Fatherhood

8 Things Every Father Must Teach His Son

Over the years, I’ve worked hard to teach my two sons, now 18 and 17, the most important things in life.  Here are the 8 things every father should teach his son.  First, be a gentleman. A firm handshake combined with looking the other person in the eye carries with it respect and strength. Opening a car door for a woman, standing up at the table when she is seated is what a gentleman does as well. Second, honor...
Aug 29, 2013 / Fatherhood



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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