
Browse our collection of over 56 broadcasts

How to Balance Work and Family Life

It’s tough to stay in touch with your kids when you spend most of your time at work… and they spend most of their time in the classroom.  One family handles it this way:  When the kids get home from school, the first thing they do—even before they head to the refrigerator—is call their father.  It’s not just a once-in-a-while thing.  Dad puts it on his calendar… and sets that time aside every day, so he’ll be free...
Feb 06, 2024 / Fatherhood

How to Be More Than a “Good Enough” Father

In the movie, Courageous, Alex says he doesn’t want to be a “good enough” father.  He wants to be more.  Do you? Are your kids your priority?  Do you attend their recitals or games?  How much time do you spend with your children each week? Here’s a thought–calendar your kids!  Children spell love T-I-M-E. Pick a time each week for each child. Mark it on your calendar, and spend one-on-one time together – even if...
Jan 19, 2024 / Fatherhood

5 Ways to Be Your Daughter's Hero

When my daughters were young, it was easy to be their hero. All I had to do was carry them around the house on my shoulders or read them their favorite story. As my daughters have grown, so has my relationship with them. I’ve found more ways to be their hero. Here are a couple of things I do and you can too. First, tell her she is beautiful through your words and your actions. Second, take an interest in her life...
Dec 26, 2023 / Fatherhood

3 B's of the Porn Talk

Pornography is a destructive and pervasive issue in our culture today. Ignoring it is simply not an option. So, here are the 3 B’s every parent or grandparent must know when talking to a son about pornography. First: Be Real. He needs to know that you know that the poison of pornography is out there. Second, Be Vulnerable. Most men have seen it, either on purpose or inadvertently. Third, Be United. Let him know...
Dec 21, 2023 / Fatherhood

A Father's Legacy

Webster’s Dictionary says a legacy is “something handed down from one who has gone before.”  Fathers, we will eventually be that “one who has gone before”—we will leave a legacy…good or bad and how we live will influence our children and descendants for generations. Sure what you say to your kids is important, but what they see in you is equally important. So be a man of character, conviction, and passion. As...
Jun 09, 2022 / Fatherhood

Just Like Dad

The old saying goes that girls often choose husbands who are like their dads.  How does that sit with you?  Our girls are watching us for an example of what to expect from their future spouse.  Are you kind to your wife?  Do you encourage her?  What about your daughter… do you hug her and tell her you love her?  Are you there when she needs you?  If you aren’t, it’s not too late to change.  Sit down with your...
Jun 29, 2021 / Fatherhood

5 Ways Dads Can Turn Chronic Failure into Success

There will come a time in every man’s life when he finds himself in a season when he feels like failure.  It’s a time when you seem to continually mess up at work, in your marriage, and as a parent.  But it’s important to keep in mind that struggles put you in a great position to grow and move forward.  Here are 5 ways dads can turn failure into success.  First, you must learn that parenting is a team sport. ...
May 14, 2018 / Fatherhood



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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