
Browse our collection of over 56 broadcasts

10 Things to Teach Your Son About True Manhood

Our culture has a lot to say about what it means to be a man.  It tells us a man has to be strong and handsome, win every fight, and of course, get the girl.  But is that really what it takes to be a man?  I’d like to paint a different picture of what a true man looks like. So here are several things to teach your son about manhood.  First, being a gentleman is still worth the effort.  Opening the car door and...
Jul 22, 2024 / Fatherhood

What a Daughter Needs from Her Father

As your daughter grows up, she’ll develop relationships with young men. But the one man she should be able to count on to always be there for her is you: her Dad.  You play a huge role in your daughter’s journey from a little girl to a young lady.  And on that journey, here are 7 things your daughter needs from you.  First, she needs you to be involved.  Ask her about her day, join her in her hobbies, and become a...
Jun 21, 2024 / Fatherhood

Life Hacks for Dads

In life, we tend to overthink so many situations.  But by the time we study, observe, and contemplate the issue, it’s already passed or gotten worse.  Sometimes, the best thing to do is nip it in the bud and deal with issues right when they arise.  This is where life hacks come in handy.  Life hacks are short cuts that make life easier.  So when life gets stressful, here are some Life Hacks for you Dads.  First,...
Jun 14, 2024 / Fatherhood

7 Ways to Know You Are Being a Good Dad

As I travel around the country and speak with a lot of fathers, I’ve found that there’s one question that comes to the mind of most dads: “Am I being a good dad?” Well, here are 7 practical ways to help you answer that question.  First, you’re being a good father when you really listen to your kids.  That means giving them your full attention and not constantly looking at your phone or laptop.  Second, you know...
Mar 28, 2024 / Fatherhood

5 Ways to Be a Better Dad

Pursuing the goal of being an All Pro Dad is one of the most important things you can do in life. And it’s a goal we get to strive toward for the rest of our lives.  So here are 5 ways to be a better dad to your children.  First, be there for your kids.  It’s so important to set aside one-on-one time for each of your kids so you can get to know them and love them well. Second, share a passion.  Find something you...
Mar 15, 2024 / Fatherhood

How to Balance Work and Family Life

It’s tough to stay in touch with your kids when you spend most of your time at work… and they spend most of their time in the classroom.  One family handles it this way:  When the kids get home from school, the first thing they do—even before they head to the refrigerator—is call their father.  It’s not just a once-in-a-while thing.  Dad puts it on his calendar… and sets that time aside every day, so he’ll be free...
Feb 06, 2024 / Fatherhood

How to Be More Than a “Good Enough” Father

In the movie, Courageous, Alex says he doesn’t want to be a “good enough” father.  He wants to be more.  Do you? Are your kids your priority?  Do you attend their recitals or games?  How much time do you spend with your children each week? Here’s a thought–calendar your kids!  Children spell love T-I-M-E. Pick a time each week for each child. Mark it on your calendar, and spend one-on-one time together – even if...
Jan 19, 2024 / Fatherhood



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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