
Browse our collection of over 21 broadcasts

9 Things You Should Never Say to Your Husband

Over the years, Susan has learned that there are some things that she shouldn’t say to me. Maybe you’ve said a few things that didn’t please your husband either. So, what are some of those things you should not say to your husband? Here are a few... “I don’t respect you.” It's a devastating blow when a wife tells her husband that she doesn’t respect him. Another is "Why are you doing that?" A man does not want his...
Nov 13, 2023 / Wives

7 Ways to Adore Your Husband

I can tell you firsthand that there are two things husbands really want: respect and adoration.  So if you want to love your husband well, then adore him well. Here are some ways to help you get started.  First, adore him as he is.  Don’t wait until he’s nicer, more patient, or making more money.  It’s important to lay a foundation and adore him right now for who he is.  Second, adore him for what he...
Sep 14, 2023 / Wives

5 Unfair Expectations on Your Husband

When our expectations for our spouse become unreasonable, we are really setting our marriages up to falter and maybe even fail. Here are some unfair expectations wives should avoid. First, that he will always “Get You.” My wife, Susan, sometimes says…“You just don’t get me.” And she’s right. As a man, I don’t think like Susan and don’t always understand how she’s feeling even when I try. The second unfair...
Sep 01, 2023 / Wives

10 More Things Husbands Want to Hear from Their Wives

Men want to know they’re respected, trusted, courageous, and that they’ve got what it takes. And they need to hear it from you. So here are 10 things husbands want to hear from their wives. Number 1, “I’m always on your team.”  Number 2, “I wouldn’t want to be on this journey with anyone else.” Number 3, “I don’t’ say it enough, but you are a good man and a good husband.” Number 4, “I don’t understand, but I know...
Feb 02, 2023 / Wives

5 Things Your Husband Should Expect from You

Husbands and wives sometimes have unrealistic expectations of one another in marriage. But, there are a few things that a husband can and should expect from his wife. The first is respect. It’s one of the essentials men need in marriage?it's a fuel that drives them. You can keep his tank topped up with notes or words affirming his judgment and abilities. The second thing a husband should expect from his wife is...
Jul 23, 2015 / Wives

How to Forgive Your Husband When It’s Hard

Marriage means making mistakes—lots of mistakes. Unfortunately, some of those mistakes are harder to forgive than others. So here are 2 truths to consider when you’re struggling to forgive your husband. First, remember that someday the tables will turn and you’ll need forgiveness. Be ready to show him grace, knowing that eventually you’ll need his undeserved favor in return. Second, acknowledge that forgiveness is...
Jun 26, 2015 / Wives

10 Texts to Send Your Husband in the Next 10 Days

Send him an uplifting text message. In fact, send him one every day for the next 10 days. Here’s what you can say. First day, text him: If you feel really burdened today, remember that I want to help you. Day 2, text him: If you asked me again today, even after all we’ve been through, I’d still say, “Yes!” Day 3, I’m looking forward to having some time alone with you soon. Let’s plan something! And Day 4, text...
Jun 18, 2015 / Wives



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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