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5 Things Your Husband Should Expect from You

Jul 23, 2015 / Wives     

Husbands and wives sometimes have unrealistic expectations of one another in marriage. But, there are a few things that a husband can and should expect from his wife. The first is respect. It’s one of the essentials men need in marriage?it's a fuel that drives them. You can keep his tank topped up with notes or words affirming his judgment and abilities. The second thing a husband should expect from his wife is physical intimacy. Sometimes in the busyness of work, kids, and home, physical intimacy can get pushed aside. But making time, even scheduled time, to make love can be an expression of your commitment to your relationship.

For more on this topic on my blog, go to 5 Things Your Husband Should Expect from You.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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