
Browse our collection of over 92 broadcasts

Renewing Your Wedding Vows

Renew your wedding vows.  It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate.  You can even surprise your children.  Just tell them you have something planned for this Valentine’s night.   When the time comes, repeat the same vows you took on your wedding day, or use different words.  The point is to show each other and your kids how committed you are to your marriage.  Finish up the evening showing them your wedding album...
Jan 30, 2013 / General

23 Things I've Learned in 23 Years of Marriage

I’ve been married for 23 years and have had children for 22 of those years. During that time, I’ve learned many important things. I’ve learned that children grow up so fast. I’ve learned there are very few things I really can control and I’ve spent too much time trying to control too many things. I’ve learned that marriage takes a lot of hard work. I’ve learned how selfish I am and how dangerous my tongue can be....
Dec 28, 2012 / General

How to Have the Marriage You've Always Dreamed Of

You may be thinking that I’m going to give you some tips on how you can change that husband or wife of yours who desperately needs changing, right?  Well, not really. Instead, I’m going to give you seven things YOU must do as you strive to have your dream marriage. First, you must always make your spouse a top priority in your life.  Second, you must serve your spouse, and sacrifice for your spouse, without...
Dec 26, 2012 / General

How to Have a Strong Marriage

Think of your marriage as a house, built upon a foundation of words. When we only notice the negative things about our partner – and constantly point those things out – our comments and complaints chip away at that foundation. But when we recognize the good things about our spouse, and speak words of sincere appreciation day by day, we strengthen that foundation. Men need the affirmation and respect of their...
Dec 05, 2012 / General

An NFL Coach's Perspective on Marriage

  At the Jacksonville Jaguars, they are.  The theory?  New head coach, Mike Mularkey says “. . .the happier you are with your wife, the happier you are on the field.” So, in honor of the Jaguars on this NFL kick-off day, here are 4 tips to become a better spouse.  First, do a random act of kindness daily.  Do the dishes for your spouse.  Give your spouse your undivided attention when they get home.  Second, know...
Sep 05, 2012 / General

Bad Habits in Marriage

Just as a wrecking ball will eventually bring down a building, some habits will eventually wreck your marriage.  You keep score. . . keep secrets. . . or keep talking - without listening.  So what can you do to repair the damage and reinforce the relationship?  Commit to replacing your old habits with new ones –  help your spouse without expecting anything in return,  be open with your spouse about everything, and...
Aug 24, 2012 / General

The Truth About Marital Happiness

In a report from the National Survey of Families and Households, over 1,000 married adults said they were "unhappily married.”  Five years later, the same people were interviewed again. Nearly 80% of the couples who decided to stick it out and stay together considered themselves "happily married" and "much happier.”  Of the couples who got divorced, only 19% reported being happy. The moral of the story? If you’re...
Aug 23, 2012 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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