
Browse our collection of over 163 broadcasts

What Do You Want to Be?

That’s a question children hear all the time. And we enjoy hearing their answers… a doctor, a teacher, a fireman, a ballerina. But what if the question was not about what they wanted to do for a living, but who they wanted to be as a person? Less about career, and more about character. Imagine your child answering, “I want to be a person of integrity… of wisdom… of courage and conviction. I want to be patient…...
Apr 22, 2024 / General

9 Steps to Prevent Child Abduction

Well, actually the concept of “stranger” can be confusing to children, so instead, teach them to recognize unsafe situations. Warn against adults who might stop to ask for directions or help in finding a lost pet. Tell your children never to go anywhere with an adult who doesn’t know the family password. Teach your children that it’s OK to run away or cause a loud scene if they feel someone might be dangerous....
Apr 05, 2024 / General

Vision Exam

The other day, my son tried on my reading glasses.  “Wow!” he said, “I can see really good up close, but far away—it’s blurry.”  That made me think … all children, whether they need glasses or not, are “near-sighted.”  Like my son, they only see what’s up close… what’s happening today at school or tonight after dinner.  Stuff in the distance —college, marriage, career—that’s more fuzzy and out of focus.  Parents...
Apr 04, 2024 / General

Read the Lyrics

Recently, I asked my son for his iPod so I could check out the songs he was listening to.  I Googled the lyrics for the songs, and most were just fine.  But I did find a couple that weren’t.  I sat down with him and showed him the objectionable lyrics.  While reading through the words, I think we were both a bit surprised at the coarse language, degradation of women and sexual content in the lyrics.  After he...
Apr 02, 2024 / General

5 Ways of Dealing with Stress to Stay Cool

If you answered “yes” to that question, then you’re like most people out there: stressed and overwhelmed by the busyness of life.  According to the American Institute of Stress, some of the top causes of stress include job pressures, money, health, and relationships.  These are things that people deal with every day, so it’s no wonder they’re stressed out more often than not.  To help make your life a little more...
Mar 22, 2024 / General

5 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Life

When we think of ways to help our child succeed, we often think of helping them with homework, taking them to sports practice, or encouraging them with piano lessons.  However, sometimes the best ways to help our child succeed has less to do with them, and more to do with us.  Here are 5 simple ways you can help your child succeed in life.  First, believe in them.  Cheer your child on so they know you believe in...
Mar 20, 2024 / General

How to Know When Your Child is Ready to Make Choices

There are many factors that play into knowing when your child is ready to make their own choices. You not only want to consider their age, but also their maturity level, ability to accept responsibility and make good decisions.  Also, they may be ready to make decisions in some areas but not in others. For example, your daughter may be wise in choosing friends, but struggles to choose outfits that are modest.  In...
Mar 11, 2024 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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