
Browse our collection of over 169 broadcasts

How to Motivate Your Child

Most kids have to be told more than once to do things. They have to be constantly reminded over and over to clean their room, be nice to their siblings, or finish their homework.  After all of this, it’s no wonder parents are exhausted!  This problem that all parents face is the problem of motivating their children. But with the help of Dr. Scott Turansky, this problem can be solved. So to motivate our kids, Dr....
Dec 05, 2023 / General

Our Crazy Adoption Story, Part 2

My wife, Susan and I were already blessed with three children. But then, 10 years ago, our hearts were moved to adopt. We were given the opportunity to adopt two older children, ages 12 and 9. So we flew several thousand miles into a remote area of Siberia, Russia. Once there, we went to a little orphanage and found two children who needed a mom and dad to love and care for them. Susan and I got to be that mom and...
Nov 24, 2023 / General

Your Daughter and the Reality of Teenage Sex

As our little girls grow into young ladies, one of our biggest concerns becomes the boys in their lives. As parents, we know the danger of a fragile heart in the hands of an immature boy. But unless we understand the issues, our girls will probably remain blind to the emotional and physical consequences that come with being physically intimate. So here are some key factors to be aware of that may increase your...
Nov 21, 2023 / General

3 Ways to Influence Your Child's Career Choice

Many studies have shown that parents do have a big impact on what their kids decide to do for a living. Here are three ways to influence your child’s career choice. First, be a student of your child. Watch your kids carefully and take mental notes on their natural skills, interests, and areas of giftedness. Second, validate your child’s gifts. When you see those interests and gifts emerging, it’s important to...
Nov 20, 2023 / General

Boys and Anger: Teaching Boys How to Handle Their Emotions

As our boys start growing into men, one difficult thing they’ll face is learning to deal with their anger. So the next time your son becomes angry, your first step should be to help him identify his emotions. This means exploring together the hidden factors that have contributed to his anger — not just the surface reasons. The second step towards handling anger is teaching your son that he doesn’t have to be ruled...
Nov 17, 2023 / General

3 Problems Kids Face That Aren't Talked About

Every child faces challenges growing up. But culturally, certain childhood challenges come with a greater social stigma. Here are 3 ways your child may be silently struggling and how to support them. First, statistics show that 1 in 10 young people suffer from mental disorders like anxiety, depression, and ADHD. If your child suffers in this way, talk openly with them about it. Create an environment to help them...
Nov 14, 2023 / General

10 Pressures Your Kids Are Facing

We like to think that kids have it easy—that their lives consist of nothing more than good, old-fashioned fun. But that couldn’t be further from the truth because each day your child faces huge amounts of pressure. They’re pressured to get perfect grades and be accepted into a good college. They’re pressured to “fit in.”  They’re pressured to have sex. They’re pressured to use drugs and drink alcohol.  They’re...
Nov 10, 2023 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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