
Browse our collection of over 171 broadcasts

5 Ways of Dealing with Stress to Stay Cool

If you answered “yes” to that question, then you’re like most people out there: stressed and overwhelmed by the busyness of life.  According to the American Institute of Stress, some of the top causes of stress include job pressures, money, health, and relationships.  These are things that people deal with every day, so it’s no wonder they’re stressed out more often than not.  To help make your life a little more...
Mar 22, 2024 / General

5 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Life

When we think of ways to help our child succeed, we often think of helping them with homework, taking them to sports practice, or encouraging them with piano lessons.  However, sometimes the best ways to help our child succeed has less to do with them, and more to do with us.  Here are 5 simple ways you can help your child succeed in life.  First, believe in them.  Cheer your child on so they know you believe in...
Mar 20, 2024 / General

How to Know When Your Child is Ready to Make Choices

There are many factors that play into knowing when your child is ready to make their own choices. You not only want to consider their age, but also their maturity level, ability to accept responsibility and make good decisions.  Also, they may be ready to make decisions in some areas but not in others. For example, your daughter may be wise in choosing friends, but struggles to choose outfits that are modest.  In...
Mar 11, 2024 / General

Home Alone Rules for Kids

You may remember watching Kevin McCallister’s pranks and adventures in the movie when he is accidentally left  “Home Alone.”  And while most situations aren’t nearly so extreme, leaving your child home alone for the first time is still a huge step that requires much thought and consideration.  Things like age, maturity, and behavior should factor into your decision.  Another factor that must be considered is your...
Mar 06, 2024 / General

10 Compliments for Children

Every child longs for encouragement from their mom and dad.  It’s what they strive for, and what they thrive on.  Giving your child compliments is one way to encourage them.  Compliments also build confidence.  Here are 10 specific compliments to give your kids.  First, compliment character.  Our world needs more men and women of good character.  So when you see your child act with integrity, humility or courage,...
Mar 01, 2024 / General

4 Ways to Not Make Your Dreams Your Kids’ Dreams

All too often, moms and dads want their kids to pursue the same dreams they once had.  The dad who was captain of the football team wants more than anything for his son to be the star of the team.  The mom who was a concert pianist now drags her daughter to piano lessons every week in hopes that she’ll be in the spotlight.  Instead of making your goals their goals, it’s important to let your kids dream their own...
Feb 29, 2024 / General

How Building a Tree House is Like Building a Relationship with Your Child

When our boys were young, we built a tree house together. I learned some important parenting principles from building that tree house.  Here are four of them. First, it takes time.  Just as it takes time to make a plan, gather tools and construct the tree house, it also takes time to plan and make memories with your kids.  Second, it requires a firm foundation.  A tree house needs to rest on a sturdy foundation....
Feb 27, 2024 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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