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How Do You Know That You're Loving Your Children Well?

Jan 23, 2025 / General     

Every child wants to be loved.  As their parent, it’s up to you to love your kids, but you have to be intentional to love them well.  So here are 7 Love Actions.  First, you can show your kids you love them with your words.  Never assume they know you love them.  Be sure to tell them, and tell them often.  Second, show your kids love by spending time with them.  Toss the football, go for a bike ride, or read them a book.  Third, write letters to capture your love for them in a permanent way.  Here are the rest of the 7 Love Actions to help you know that you’re loving your children well



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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