
Browse our collection of over 21 broadcasts

Make Time for What’s Really Important

There’s no such thing as not having time. When we say “I don’t have time,” what we’re really saying is that we don’t choose to make certain things a priority right now, or, there’s something else we’d rather be doing. Think about all the demands on your schedule and take a look at the things you spend the most time on. The truth is we make time for the things we want to make time for.  But that isn’t always...
Jan 29, 2013 / Family Living

How to Tackle Spring Cleaning with a New Attitude

A pen and paper.  I know what you’re thinking, “Doesn’t he mean a mop and broom?”  Nope, you heard right.  I want you to take ten or fifteen minutes and think about the attitudes and habits you want to sweep out of your life.  Is smoking dirtying your lungs?  Do you need to wash away a family grudge?  Or is negative thinking cluttering your mind?  Whatever you need to change, write it down and commit to getting...
Mar 19, 2012 / Family Living

Tune in to each other

Fall "sweeps" month begins today, and that means TV shows will resort to more sensational programming to boost their ratings and advertising dollars. So be prepared for even more sex, violence and vulgar language than usual for the next 30 days. While there isn't much you can do about what's on TV, there's a lot you can do about how much you'll allow into your home. Why not consider skipping TV for awhile, and...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Living

More, more, more

The list of "I wants" can go on and on. For kids it's, "I want that video game." "I want that scooter." For us, it's, "I want that car." "I want that couch." No matter what we have, there's always more. Henry David Thoreau said, "We make ourselves rich by making our wants few." Most of us already have what we need… it's just a matter of controlling what we want. So, the next time someone in your family wants to...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Living

Leftovers Again?

I'm not talking about the turkey and dressing sitting in your fridge—left over from Thanksgiving. I'm talking about your time. You do the math. Right now, think about all of the things that go into your day . . . rushing to get ready in the morning, going to work, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, chores in the evening, watching TV. Now, add up how much time you really spend interacting with your kids. What's...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Living

Instant Relationships

Let's face it—we live in a world of instant gratification. We want it all, and we want it now. We're a nation of express lanes, fast food, texts and tweets. But it's a problem when we impose those same expectations on people. We want instant acceptance from our peers, instant response from our colleagues, instant help from our spouse—regardless of the circumstances. And when we don't get the immediate response we...
Jan 01, 1970 / Family Living

Home Organization 101

The stairs are piled high with dirty laundry and crumbled up homework.  The toy room is a sea of puzzle pieces and too many action figures to count.  And forget finding any pair of shoes in the hall closet that actually go together.  Sound like your home?  If so, it may be time for your family to get organized with these tips.  First, clean up the kids’ rooms and toy room.  Try storing toys in bins on low shelves...
May 12, 0018 / Family Living



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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