
Browse our collection of over 342 broadcasts

23 Bad Habits Moms Can Break

We all make bad decisions sometimes. But when those bad decisions happen over and over, they lead to bad habits. Here are a few common bad habits that moms may want to break. First, break the habit of telling your child “I’ll be right there” and then forgetting about it. If your child doesn’t get attention from you, they may go looking for attention in the wrong places. Second, break the habit of spending money...
Dec 13, 2023 / Motherhood

7 Things a Son Needs from His Father

As a boy grows up, there are many people who will influence, impact, and inspire him. But, as his father, you want to be the main voice he hears. You are, and should be, his most important role model for life. So as your son grows and matures into a young man, be sure that you give him what he needs. First, he needs you to be present—in the little moments and in the big moments. Second, he needs you to affirm him...
Dec 08, 2023 / Fatherhood

Warrior or Wimp: How Not to Raise a Mama's Boy

Everyone knows that moms have unique relationships with their sons. They want to protect their sons, nurture their sons, and rescue their sons in any and every situation. But sometimes, this leads them to raise a mama’s boy. So how can you build up your son to be a warrior, not a wimp? First, understand that warriors are not couch potatoes. Your son is designed for activity, adventure and boldness. Second,...
Dec 06, 2023 / Motherhood

How to Motivate Your Child

Most kids have to be told more than once to do things. They have to be constantly reminded over and over to clean their room, be nice to their siblings, or finish their homework.  After all of this, it’s no wonder parents are exhausted!  This problem that all parents face is the problem of motivating their children. But with the help of Dr. Scott Turansky, this problem can be solved. So to motivate our kids, Dr....
Dec 05, 2023 / General

Protecting Your Child from Stress

A recent study from my alma mater, the University of Florida, revealed that major childhood stresses—like divorce, exposure to substance abuse, and economic hardship—have an almost immediate negative impact on a child’s health.  So, what can you do? First, protect your child from the stress of divorce. Sometimes divorce is beyond the control of a spouse. However, there are times when couples all too quickly buy...
Nov 30, 2023 / Fatherhood

Talking to Your Teenager About Tough Topics

There are a lot of difficult topics that parents and teens have to navigate through together. Talking about alcohol, drugs, pornography, premarital sex, and many other issues can be very uncomfortable for you and your teen. So, what should a parent do? First, share with them right up front that you realize this is difficult to talk about but it’s too important to ignore. Second, let them know that you love them no...
Nov 29, 2023 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Our Crazy Adoption Story, Part 2

My wife, Susan and I were already blessed with three children. But then, 10 years ago, our hearts were moved to adopt. We were given the opportunity to adopt two older children, ages 12 and 9. So we flew several thousand miles into a remote area of Siberia, Russia. Once there, we went to a little orphanage and found two children who needed a mom and dad to love and care for them. Susan and I got to be that mom and...
Nov 24, 2023 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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