
Browse our collection of over 40 broadcasts

How to Be Available for Parenting Teenagers

The moments you have with your teen right now are moments you won’t always have.  Because of this, I’d like to encourage you to be strategic in how you spend your time.  As Susan and I watched our five kids grow up, we were intentional about setting aside evenings and weekends just to be there for our teens.  Here are 3 ways to help you be available for your teens.  First, be selective in your socializing.  Make...
Dec 05, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

How to Be an Out of Control Parent

When our kids are young, we enjoy being “in control” parents.  We control what they eat, where they go, and even who they spend time with.  But all kids grow up, right? So how can you slowly let go of the steering wheel and prepare them for the future?  Move from being an “in control” parent to an “out of control” parent in 3 steps.  First, when they’re really little, you drive everything.  Second, as they mature...
Nov 08, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Should You Insulate or Isolate Your Children?

To determine whether you should just insulate or completely isolate your child from potential temptation, bad influences, or pain, here’s a quick checklist.  First, what’s the risk factor? When your child asks to do something, you should first and foremost identify whether this activity poses a real threat to your son or daughter.  Second, has your child earned your trust? Have they consistently done what you’ve...
Sep 18, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

How to Know Your Kids' Friends

Okay, the school year is pretty much underway.  So do you know the answer to the following questions: who are your kids hanging out with?  Who do they spend the most time with?  Who do they talk to on the phone the most?  Who are the three people they text the most?  Who are their Facebook friends? An involved parent will know the answers to those questions.  And studies show that involved parents can help keep...
Sep 04, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Does Your Child Want to Be Popular?

We want to be liked. We want to fit in. We want to be invited. We want to do what others are doing. Well, so do our children. And they’re especially vulnerable during their impressionable teen years – a time when they are seeking their identity as a person. So we need to show our children, by example, how to stand against what is wrong and stand for what is right… no matter what others may think or say. If we do...
Aug 27, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

Relationship Education for Teens

If your teen is romantically involved, you should be involved in the process. Don’t ignore the situation and hope it will just run its course. Educate your teen about the importance of postponing intimacy until marriage, the dangers of date rape and sexually transmitted diseases, and the benefits of making wise decisions, even if those decisions aren’t always the popular choice. The best way to teach your teen...
Jun 13, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

How to Appreciate Your Teenager

Do you acknowledge the times your teen takes out the trash or helps a sibling with homework? Or do you just let his efforts go unnoticed? Don't miss those chances to let your teen know he’s appreciated. Your gratitude will not only give him a sense of significance, but will also help reinforce good behavior.  When you see your teen doing something right—whether it’s doing a chore with a good attitude or not...
May 23, 2013 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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