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5 Hard Topics to Talk About for Kids

May 28, 2018 / Relationships and Communication     

In the midst of all the things we need to do for our kids, we sometimes forget that one of our biggest responsibilities is to communicate with them.  As our children grow older, certain topics should be discussed.  These topics aren’t always easy or fun, but they’re important.  So here are 5 hard topics you need to talk about with your kids.  First, talk about sex.  While it may be an uncomfortable conversation, it’s far better for your kids to hear about it from mom or dad than from a friend at school.  Second, talk about puberty and changes they’ll experience.  Here are the rest of the 5 Hard Topics to Talk About for Kids



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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