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3 Tools for Building a Stronger Family with Jon Gordon

Jun 23, 2015 / Relationships and Communication     

Great leaders build strong families. Here are 3 tools to help you lead your family well. Tool one: Love. Loving your spouse and kids is key to building a stronger family. Love must be your highest priority. You must love your family well to lead your family well. Tool two: Serve. Serving your family and putting their needs above your own shows you want to help them succeed in whatever they are doing. Tool three: Care. Provide for their needs and protect them physically and emotionally. Lead your family by loving, serving and caring. For more on leading your family, check out my podcast at

For more on this topic from my blog, listen to the Family Leadership with Barry Banther podcast.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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