
Browse our collection of over 41 broadcasts

A Leader’s Gift

As a parent, you may feel like leadership in your home is a burden you must carry or a duty you must endure. And the ups and downs of home life can even make you question your ability to lead as a mom or dad. In his book, A Leader’s Gift, Barry Banther says “Leadership isn’t something you just do; it’s someone you become.” This could not be truer in the world of parenting. So don’t just set your mind on the daily...
Jul 14, 2023 / Inspirational

5 Ways to Gut Check Your Priorities in Life

How you spend your time reveals a lot about who you are and what you value. So to find out the truth, here are 3 ways to gut check your priorities in life. First, make a list of your priorities. Write out what you value in life—things like your family, your career, or your hobbies. Second, make a list of how you actually spend your time. Be honest about the functional priorities in your life—things like...
May 23, 2023 / Inspirational

3 Things to Do When a Dream Dies

You had aspirations of doing and being something in your life. But, now your dream just isn’t possible. Maybe an accident or illness took your dreams away. Maybe a divorce or financial problems killed your dream. Every day, people are forced to make a choice…hang on to a dead dream or reach for a new one. So how do you deal with the death of a dream? First, allow yourself to grieve. It’s okay to feel badly or even...
May 22, 2023 / Inspirational

The Family First Podcast

After 15 years of sharing with you through this Family Minute radio feature, I’ve decided to dive deeper in providing truth-filled marriage and parenting advice.  By creating The Family First podcast, I’ll be able to connect with you on a more personal level.  Not only will it allow me to hear your questions, but also will enable me to provide you with answers to your most pressing relational questions.  The...
Jan 30, 2020 / Inspirational

How Can You T.A.P. into Your Strengths

In our search for new energy supplies, we are learning more about the value of our natural resources and how to harness and channel them in the right direction. Well, you have a very valuable “natural resource,” and it’s important that you T.A.P. into it. T stands for Take … take a personal inventory of your strengths and write them down. A is for Ask…ask people you trust what they see as your greatest abilities....
Jul 29, 2015 / Inspirational

The Man’s Guide to Being Content

Contentment sometimes seems elusive. It’s something everyone wants, but few know how to get. So today, I’d like to share with you 3 keys to contentment. First, assets do not equal worth. Society constantly says that the more stuff you have, the more value you have. But the truth is that peace and joy is found in giving—not getting. Second, envy is a personal wrecking ball. Until you learn to stop comparing...
Jun 24, 2015 / Inspirational

3 Strategies for Turning Trials into Triumphs with Jeff Kemp

We’re faced with a lot of blitzes in life, but here are 3 strategies for turning your trials into triumphs. First, take a long-term view of your life and the situation that you’re facing, such as illness, losing a loved one, a job loss. Second, be willing to change and become more humble…maybe more of a teammate and less of a solo artist. Third, take your eyes off yourself and focus on others. How can you bless...
Jun 16, 2015 / Inspirational



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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