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How Can You T.A.P. into Your Strengths

Jul 29, 2015 / Inspirational     

In our search for new energy supplies, we are learning more about the value of our natural resources and how to harness and channel them in the right direction. Well, you have a very valuable “natural resource,” and it’s important that you T.A.P. into it. T stands for Take … take a personal inventory of your strengths and write them down. A is for Ask…ask people you trust what they see as your greatest abilities. P stands for Ponder…ponder how you can use your gifts and abilities to serve others.

For more on this topic on my blog, go to How Can You T.A.P. into Your Strengths.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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