
Browse our collection of over 923 broadcasts

10 Treasure Hunt Clues for Around the House

With all the games, movies, and books out there, our kids still somehow find a way to whine, “I’m bored!”  One great way to cure their boredom is to take them on an adventure: a treasure hunt!  Setting up a scavenger hunt around your home is easy.  Just create clues and then hide them around the house in different places—under the table, in the food pantry, or on their bathroom mirror.  The hunt should end with...
Jul 17, 2024 / Family Time & Vacations

7 Ways to Know You Are Being a Good Mom

Recently, my wife Susan, shared with me that, at a basic level, you’re a good mom if your child knows you love them.  Simple gestures from your kids reveal whether they know you love them.  So here are some actions to look for in your children that will help you know you are being a good mom.  First, you know you’re being a good mom when your child shares their fears and dreams with you.  Second, when your older...
Jul 16, 2024 / Motherhood

5 Great Dates Under $25

The family budget may be tight right now.  There are braces to pay for, a car that needs to be fixed, and electric bills to be paid. Being tight on money may mean giving up certain things, but it should never mean giving up on your dating life.  Think about what your spouse really wants from a date. Maybe it’s not just another restaurant for dinner or an over-hyped movie. Maybe it’s simply romantic time with you. ...
Jul 15, 2024 / Dating Your Spouse

A Leader’s Gift

As a parent, you may feel like leadership in your home is a burden you must carry or a duty you must endure. And the ups and downs of home life can even make you question your ability to lead as a mom or dad. In his book, A Leader’s Gift, Barry Banther says “Leadership isn’t something you just do; it’s someone you become.” This could not be truer in the world of parenting. So don’t just set your mind on the daily...
Jul 12, 2024 / Inspirational

How to Get Your Husband to Do What You Want

Remember Connect the Dots? It’s the kid’s game where you draw a line from dot to dot until a bigger picture is made.  Like this game, some guys like me need to be led from dot to dot if you want us to get big things done.  So here are 6 ways to connect the dots and get your husband to do what you want.  First, ask them.  Men aren’t as intuitive as women, so we need to be told the bottom line of what you want...
Jul 11, 2024 / Wives

3 Bedtime No No’s for Moms

As bedtime approaches, your kids obediently put on their pajamas, they only ask for one sip of water, and then they quietly listen to you read the perfect bedtime story.  Right?  Wrong!  Putting the kids to bed may be more like a wrestling match —wrestling with a child who always needs to get up to go to the bathroom just one more time.  With all the frustrations that come with bedtime, how can parents keep their...
Jul 10, 2024 / Motherhood

How to Handle Teenage Rebellion

As parents we must understand why our teen is rebelling if we want to figure out what to do in response.  Here are 5 reasons why your teen is rebelling and 5 solutions for you.  First, your teenager may be rebelling because they’re struggling for identity. They’re trying to answer the question “Who am I?”  As a parent, you must communicate to your teen that their identity is found in who they are, not in what they...
Jul 09, 2024 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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