
Browse our collection of over 335 broadcasts

Creative Discipline Ideas for Kids

Disciplining our children takes dedication and effort. It also helps to mix in a little creativity. So get out of the discipline rut with our twenty one creative consequences. If you have younger children who are messy, try this: set the toy somewhere out of reach but within sight for a few days. Seeing it, but not getting it, will remind them to pick it up and put it away next time. Here’s another one…want your...
Jun 04, 2024 / Discipline

Want Respectful Kids? Do This One Thing

There’s no doubt about it: Everyone wants respectful kids. But more often than not, children’s attitudes and behaviors are far from respectful. To combat this, here are 3 ways to train your children to be respectful. First, understand the problem. Focus on how your child treats you—with both their words and their attitude—instead of getting sidetracked by the specific incident at hand. Second, come up with a plan....
May 17, 2024 / General

7 C's for Communicating with Teens

After raising 5 teenagers, my wife, Susan, and I have learned a few keys about communication. So here are 7 C’s for communicating with teens. First, be calm. Rather than go into a conversation angry or upset, be sure to keep calm. This creates an environment for you and your teen to talk without the pressure of emotions. Second, be confident. Teenagers can be very persuasive. But it’s important to stand your...
May 15, 2024 / General

Hurt People Hurt People

Behind the bratty child may be a workaholic parent. Behind the gossiping man or woman might be an emotionally removed spouse. And behind the alcoholic son may be an abusive or alcoholic father.  We know the truth all too well: Hurt people hurt people. So how can you keep your hurts from leading you to hurt others? Here are 3 ways to break the cycle. First, explore old wounds. Admit you’ve been hurt and try to...
May 10, 2024 / General

Questions All Boys Need Answered

Growing up, your son will ask some significant questions. Instead of allowing the world to provide answers, it’s up to you to give your son the truth. Here are 3 questions your son will ask himself and how you can answer. First, he’ll ask: What’s my purpose? Your job is to help identify his gifts and guide him towards the answer. Second, your son will ask: Do I have what it takes? Only you can answer this question...
May 03, 2024 / General

Giving Up the Driver’s Seat

My friend’s 15-year-old just got her restricted driver’s license.  You know what that means.  Old dad had to white knuckle it from the passenger’s side.   Talk about nerve-wracking!  But believe it or not, he said the worst part wasn’t the close calls with curbs,  cars and trees… it was realizing that his little girl was growing up… and that he needed to start letting go.   Allowing our children to begin taking...
Apr 30, 2024 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

The Effects of Divorce on Teens

Divorce is never easy on anyone, but teens often channel their emotions into destructive behaviors. A recent survey from Pediatrics journal shows that teens of divorcing families are twice as likely to use drugs or alcohol. They are also more likely to act out through physical fighting, property damage, and stealing. Others may experience depression and anxiety. But the good news is that parental support can help...
Apr 26, 2024 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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