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How to Tag Team in Parenting

Mar 14, 2014 / Discipline     

When we were kids, we all liked to play “Tag, You’re It.”  Once a person was tagged to be “it,” they had the responsibility to tag the next person and so on.  My wife, Susan, shares 3 ways the game of tag can apply to parenting.  First, play on the same page.  Tag team parenting begins with being on the same page as our spouse so we don’t give our kids conflicting answers.  Second, we must play from different angles.  This means giving advice to our kids, and then “tagging” our spouse to give the same advice in a slightly different way.  Here’s more about How to Tag Team in Parenting.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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