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How to Show Your Wife You Love Her

May 21, 2024 / Husbands     

Your wife wants to be celebrated, cherished, and loved.  So here are 4 simple ways to show your wife you love her. First, write your love story and share it with her. Write about how you met, how you fell in love, and how you knew she was “the one.” Second, put together a video collage of your life together. Be sure to include old pictures and home video clips.  Next, create a book of encouragement. Secretly ask friends and family to write what they love about your wife. Then compile it all in a special book she can read over and over. Finally, write her a love letter and include all the unique things you love about her.

For more on this topic from All Pro Dad, go to How to Show Your Wife You Love Her.



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Mark Merrill

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