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The Truth about Marriage

Apr 03, 2013 / General     

Marriage is really hard…. and takes a lot of work.  Even after all that hard work, I still mess up.  I mean, I want an awesome marriage, but I still DO the things I shouldn’t, and DON’T do the things I should.  One day I praise her, the next I put her down.  One day I’m happy with her, the next I’m angry. So, what can I do?  Sure, I’ll ask for forgiveness, and I’ll work to handle it the right way next time.  But guess what, I will disappoint her again.  When I do, I won’t lose heart, I’ll correct myself.  She’ll show me undeserved favor and we’ll persevere together… because marriage is for life.  Here are 7 truths about marriage and fun marriage coupons to share with your spouse.  



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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