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5 Ways to Filter What You Say

Aug 28, 2013 / Relationships and Communication     

I recently thought about some filters our words should have to pass through before they come out of our mouths.  If they don’t make it through all of these 5 filters, they probably should never be spoken. Filter number 1. Do I have good motives? In other words, is my reason for saying it beneficial to the listener or only for selfish purposes? Filter number 2. Does it build up? Words are not neutral. They either tear down or build up. Filter number 3. Is it confidential? If someone tells me something in confidence, my job is to make sure I don’t ever mention it to another person. Here are the rest of the 5 ways to filter what you say



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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