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What to Do When You're Disappointed with Your Life

Mar 18, 2015 / Inspirational     

As a parent, it’s important to handle disappointments in life well. Why? Because your children are watching and learning how to handle disappointments based on your behavior. So here are 3 ways to handle disappointments. First, face it. Being honest about what and why you’re disappointed is the first step toward overcoming it. Next, accept and move forward. Work within the framework of your present life—accepting the things you don’t have the power to change and moving forward with a good attitude knowing that there’s hope for the future. Finally, have selective vision. That means choosing to see the glass half full for the sake of your family. So here is what to do when you're disappointed with your life.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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