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How Can I Love Others?

Apr 25, 2012 / Family Time & Vacations     

Have you ever seen the Washington Monument? I’m Mark Merrill with today’s Family Minute. Why was it built?  So that you and I would remember something important. In my new book, All Pro Dad, I share how we dads need to have a method to build “memorable monuments” in our kids’ lives. These things you do with and for your child that create lasting, loving memories. For example, when my kids were growing up, I took them somewhere they wanted to go each month on their birthday date. My daughter Emily’s birthday is March 10th, so on the 10th of each month it was her turn to do something she wanted to do. Each time, another monument was built.  Ask yourself, “How can I better love my family?” Remember, your Family First.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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