
Browse our collection of over 927 broadcasts

Marriage Killers and How to Slay Them

Some beasts that tear apart marriages come from the outside. But, more often than not, the beasts that kill a marriage come from within the relationship. I call them “marriage killers.”  To help you battle these enemies in your marriage, it’s important to recognize what they are and then learn how to slay them. The first marriage killer is comparison. Comparing your marriage to another couple’s marriage only...
Feb 03, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

5 Consequences of Going to Bed Angry

Ending your day angry at your spouse can cause a lot of harmful effects. Here are just a few of those consequences. First, bricks are added to the wall that divides you as a couple. And as the wall gets higher, the division gets wider. Second, when you go to sleep angry, it’s hard to have a fresh start the next day. That last thing on your mind at night often becomes the first thing on your mind the next day....
Feb 02, 2015 / Communication

The 12 Ways of Hands-On Parents

Being a “hands-on” parent means always making an effort to be involved in your child’s life. The Institute for Youth Development recently proved the importance of this in their report revealing that “hands-on” parents raised teens who drank, smoked, and did drugs significantly less than the general teen population. So make a difference in your child’s life by becoming a “hands-on” parent with these 3 simple steps....
Jan 30, 2015 / General

5 Things That You Think Say "I Love You," But Don't

I’ve done a number of things for Susan that were really for me. My guess is you’ve done the same for your spouse. What are some of those things husbands and wives do allegedly for their spouse? First, they buy a nice gift for their spouse that is really meant for themselves…a husband who buys a new set of golf clubs for her so he can golf more…a wife who buys season tickets for him to a Broadway series that she...
Jan 29, 2015 / General

7 Things a Daughter Needs from Her Father

As your little girl grows up, there will be many boys that come in and out of her life. But the one man who should always be there for her is you, her dad. Fathers play a vital role in their daughter’s journey to adulthood and, along the way, there are some important things that every daughter needs from her dad. First, she needs you to be involved and interested in her life. Second, your daughter needs you to...
Jan 28, 2015 / Fatherhood

How to Stop, Drop, and Roll in Your Marrirage

All couples have disagreements. Much of the time, these fights are like brush fires—they come out of nowhere and overwhelm us with flames. And just like a real fire, the fires in our marriages require us to do three things: stop, drop, and roll. First, we must stop. This means stopping a healthy debate from escalating into an unhealthy argument by taking a break at the first sign it is getting out of control....
Jan 27, 2015 / Communication

How to Recover When You "Miss a Moment" with Your Child

There will be times when you will miss a big moments in your kids’ lives—moments like their game, their school play, or even their piano recital. And whether missing these big moments is intentional or not, it still damages your relationship with your child. So here are 3 A’s to recovering when you miss a big moment with your child. First, be aware. Notice when your child is upset with you by staying tuned into...
Jan 26, 2015 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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