
Browse our collection of over 927 broadcasts

The Secret to Protecting Your Marriage from Infidelity

Unfaithfulness in marriage has severe consequences. In the blink of an eye, all trust and security can be lost. So instead of just hoping it doesn’t happen to you, take these precautions to protect your marriage. First, create practical boundaries. This means drawing a line for what appropriate interactions with the opposite sex look like and then staying a safe distance behind that line. Second, find someone who...
Jan 14, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

The Natural Speed Bumps in Parenting

Speed bumps on the road are designed to slow us down. In the same way, as we speed through life, there are natural speed bumps that tell us that we need to slow down, take notice and focus on our relationships with others…especially our kids. Here are a couple of bumps we should be on the lookout for. First, there’s often a speed bump when our kids hit puberty. As their bodies and minds change, we must slow down...
Jan 13, 2015 / General

7 Tips to Avoid Making Disastrous Family Decisions

It’s not just the decisions themselves that impact your family; it’s also how you go about making them. Healthy decisions tend to be the ones that are made using a healthy process. Be committed to the principle that no big decision should be made without the full input and consideration of your spouse. Decisions made without a spouse’s input communicate, “I don’t value or need your opinion and perspective…I got...
Jan 12, 2015 / Communication

Why Firmness Doesn't Require Harshness

When it comes to discipline, parents so often equate firmness with harshness. But the two are completely different. Firmness says that a boundary is secure and won’t be crossed without a consequence. But harshness uses angry words and intimidation to intentionally scare a child into submission.  So how can you discipline firmly without being harsh? First, show less emotion.  This will help your child focus on...
Jan 09, 2015 / Discipline

How to Build a Relationship with Your Son's Girlfriend

My wife, Susan, and I believe it’s important for us to invest in the relationship with any young ladies our sons are dating. Here are some ideas to help get you started. First, have her over for dinner. Time around the table is a great relationship builder. Second, have a game night with her and your son. Ask her what her most, or least, favorite games are to play and you’ll learn a lot about her. Games reveal a...
Jan 08, 2015 / General

10 Signs Your Child Might Be Getting Bullied

Growing up is a challenge. And one of the biggest factors that can add to a difficult childhood is bullying. Bullying is a hardship that must not be dismissed as either expected or unimportant. That’s why it’s critical that you understand the signs of bullying. One sign your child might be getting bullied is if they begin faking an illness in the morning. It may be their way of trying to avoid school and bullies....
Jan 07, 2015 / General

The Uncommon Marriage Adventure

But in the midst of the journey, you constantly face demands, dangers, and disappointments. But there’s one person you should always be able to count on—your spouse! So here are 3 ways to be a good teammate to your spouse. First, be committed to staying together—no matter what. Second, be sensitive and considerate to your spouse during seasons of transition. Finally, don’t let difficult times pull you away from...
Jan 06, 2015 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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