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Why You Should Make Out with Your Spouse

Whether you and your spouse pucker up at the drop of a hat or only give the occasional peck on the check, here are some medical benefits that a good “make out” session creates.  Studies show that these medical benefits include reducing blood pressure, boosting immune systems, and get this fighting cavities with increased saliva, burning calories, and even exercising facial and neck muscles. So when you see your...
Feb 12, 2015 / Dating Your Spouse

Lessons from The Song movie

The easiest thing to do is to look at your spouse…I mean, they’re the reason that you’ve got problems in your marriage in the first place, right?  Well, let me ask you, have things gotten better since you blamed your spouse for all your problems?  Hmmm…my guess is…no. The movie The Song, which is now available on DVD, shows us how it really does take two to tango. How more often than not, both a husband and wife...
Feb 11, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

3 Ways to Foster Friendships Between Your Kids

From the blaming and bickering to the wailing and whining, sibling conflict can be a nightmare for parents. And who can forget their cries of, “Daaaaad, Luke isn’t being nice!” Times like these can leave us thinking that our kids’ quarreling will never end. But it can end once you learn how to foster friendship between your kids. How? First, do fun things together as a family. Playing ball in the backyard or board...
Feb 10, 2015 / General

5 Creative and Unique Types of Valentine's Day Gifts

Your spouse will appreciate the time you invested in coming up with a creative gift this Valentine’s Day. Here are some unique types of gifts to trigger your own creative juices. First, think about gifts that are symbolic, that stand for something in your relationship. For example, get gift cards for the five restaurants from your five most special dates, and write a note to her saying, “Let’s relive our favorite...
Feb 09, 2015 / Dating Your Spouse

10 Hardships in Marriage and How to Overcome Them

Every marriage faces difficulties from time to time. But, instead of preparing for defeat, prepare to overcome them. Here are some common hardships married couples face and what you can do. First, money struggles. When financial hardship hits your home, create a workable budget together with your spouse and get out of debt as quickly as possible. Second, there are struggles with challenging children. And when...
Feb 06, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

Want to Know How Your Spouse Thinks?

Author Cynthia Ulrich Tobias wrote a book that helps parents and educators understand kids. It’s called The Way They Learn. Her insights about learning styles can also help spouses who are trying to better understand one another. The first learning style is Concrete-Sequential. These spouses are organized and efficient. Systems and routines just make sense to them, and they take things literally. The second style...
Feb 05, 2015 / Communication

4 Dangerous Parenting Styles

Parents have the most important job in the world: raising their children well. But to do so, parents need to know how not to raise their kids. So here are some dangerous parenting styles to avoid. First, avoid being a “Buddy Buddy” parent. These parents are more concerned about being their child’s friend than their child’s protector, provider, and leader.  Second, avoid being a “too busy to care” parent. These...
Feb 04, 2015 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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