
Browse our collection of over 928 broadcasts

5 Reasons Why Teenagers "Hate" Their Parents

The teen years can be challenging, and many parents have heard their teen say to them, “I hate you.” There’s no excuse for such an outburst, but sometimes parents do things that can make a teen feel that way. Here are some easy ways to make your teen “hate” you. First, make all of their decisions for them. And be sure to control everything they do. Second, constantly compare them to their friends. Ask, “Why can’t...
Feb 24, 2015 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

When to Start Dating? Important Characteristics Before You Let Your Child Date

Regardless of your family’s convictions about how and when to date, one important thing to look at is their maturity. For instance, our kids should be willing to involve family in dating situations. Family interaction allows them to be “out in the open” with the relationship. But an unwillingness to do so may mean there’s something to hide. Being around family also reveals the character of your child and their...
Feb 23, 2015 / Life Stage: Pre-Teens and Teenagers

How Being a "Girl Mom" is Harder

Parenting either boys or girls comes with its own set of unique challenges and joys. But today, we’re going to talk about how being a “girl mom” can be harder. First, a mom must prepare her daughter for puberty. Since many girls may fear this change, it’s important to be there for your daughters every step of the way. Second, a mom must prepare her daughter to face mean girls. School is bursting with cliques and...
Feb 20, 2015 / Motherhood

10 Ways to Push Your Spouse Away

You’re juggling the needs of your kids—their homework, their sports, their friends. You’re busy preparing for a big presentation at work. You’ve got a bunch of emails to reply to and, oh yeah, you have some Facebook posts to make. Your schedule is absolutely full. You’re doing some great things, but what about your spouse? Are they enjoying the fruit of your activities? Or are they just getting your leftovers? If...
Feb 19, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

3 Keys of Family Leadership

Here are some of the basics of being a leader to your wife and kids. First, leading well means loving well. Showing care and affection to your wife provides a great example that your kids can understand and follow. Second, leading well means growing well. Men tend to act as if they have it all together. Instead, it’s important to teach your kids how to admit mistakes and grow in the future. Finally, leading well...
Feb 18, 2015 / Fatherhood

Lessons Kids Need to Learn

You are your child’s best teacher—more so than their friends, their siblings, or even their favorite TV show. And, as your children’s biggest influence, you should take every opportunity to instill in them important truths. In his book Lessons Kids Need to Learn, author David Staal shares ways to teach your kids valuable lessons. Here are two of them.  First, teach them to serve others. This requires identifying...
Feb 17, 2015 / General

Different Communication Styles for Your Spouse

It’s crucial to develop good listening skills that account for your spouse’s style. There are different communication “personalities” that help you to listen better. For instance, maybe you’re married to what I call “Details Danny…or Danielle”. They don’t just tell a story, but the entire story. Details that seem frivolous to you are a big deal to them. And they don’t feel heard without telling details. So if you...
Feb 16, 2015 / Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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