
Browse our collection of over 293 broadcasts

5 Things Your Husband Should Expect from You

Husbands and wives sometimes have unrealistic expectations of one another in marriage. But, there are a few things that a husband can and should expect from his wife. The first is respect. It’s one of the essentials men need in marriage?it's a fuel that drives them. You can keep his tank topped up with notes or words affirming his judgment and abilities. The second thing a husband should expect from his wife is...
Jul 23, 2015 / Wives

7 Things Your Wife Should Expect from You

Your marriage has some nonnegotiables—a list of things your wife should be able to expect from you. Here are a few of them. First, trustworthy. That means you are who you say you are and will do what you say you’ll do. Second, faithful…not giving yourself away in any way to another woman…physically, mentally, or emotionally. Third, protector. Your wife and your children need to feel safe and protected—and not just...
Jul 20, 2015 / Husbands

How to Agreeably Disagree with Your Spouse

Every marriage is full of tough decisions that sometimes lead couples to disagree. But you can disagree in a kind and loving way. So here are 3 agreeable ways to disagree with your spouse. First, disagree with affirmation. Start off well by validating their position and by finding common ground with your spouse. Second, disagree with kindness. Disagreements are much more effective when each spouse agrees to use...
Jul 07, 2015 / Communication

Why Couples Remember Things Differently

For many couples, conflict occurs because they remember things differently. Sometimes the actual details are clear-cut, and a cool review and discussion will sort things out. But often it's just that men and women simply remember things differently because their brains are wired differently. It's why men are often single-minded and women can more easily multitask. When dealing with an important issue you each...
Jul 02, 2015 / Communication

Who Should You Trust for Marriage Advice?

Many people will offer advice for your marriage, but not all can be trusted.  Signs of those who aren’t trustworthy include people that have never been committed to your marriage’s success, and people who are manipulative for their own benefit.  However, signs of people who are trustworthy include those who have overcome big past failures by taking responsibility, and those who have peace in their life and in...
Jun 29, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

How to Forgive Your Husband When It’s Hard

Marriage means making mistakes—lots of mistakes. Unfortunately, some of those mistakes are harder to forgive than others. So here are 2 truths to consider when you’re struggling to forgive your husband. First, remember that someday the tables will turn and you’ll need forgiveness. Be ready to show him grace, knowing that eventually you’ll need his undeserved favor in return. Second, acknowledge that forgiveness is...
Jun 26, 2015 / Wives

Why Your Marriage May Be Better Than You Think

A lot of couples look at other married couples and think their marriage isn’t so good. But here are some reasons why your marriage may be better than you think. First, you live in the same house and sleep in the same bed. Believe it or not, there are married couples who don’t live together or sleep in the same bed. Second, you are faithful to your spouse. You may not feel like you’re married to the most ideal...
Jun 25, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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