
Browse our collection of over 293 broadcasts

6 Ways to Grow Oneness in Marriage

In a merger, two groups contract to join forces within a certain period of time. In a marriage, two people covenant to become one—and that's a lifelong process.  It doesn't just happen in deep discussions and major moments, great as those times may be.  It also occurs in the small, daily things of life when you are intentional about growing together with your spouse. Whether it's cooking together, exercising...
Aug 17, 2015 / Communication

50 Reasons to Celebrate Your Husband or Wife

As the years tick away, it’s easy to treat your anniversary like it’s no big deal.  Well, even if you don’t have an elaborate celebration, taking the time to honor your commitment can be uplifting for your marriage.  So, at the very least, get a card, write a note and share how much your spouse means to you.  Then, tell them face-to-face, you love them.  Spend time with your spouse, whether it’s a romantic evening...
Aug 14, 2015 / General

What Every Husband and Wife Must Agree On

We’ve all heard the saying: Let’s Agree to Disagree.  But when it comes to a healthy marriage, there are certain things couples MUST agree on.  First, you must agree on when and how to discipline your kids.  That means you must be unified and consistent when disciplining your children. Always remember that you and your spouse are supposed to be on the same team. Second, you must agree on how to handle money.  Be...
Aug 11, 2015 / Communication

A Wedding is for a Day; A Marriage is for a Lifetime

Like most couples, you poured immense energy and resources into planning your big day.  But your wedding was only one day… your marriage is for a lifetime.  Here are some things you did to prepare for your wedding that you should continue to do in your marriage.  First, create a budget to help you make smart money decisions.  Second, work every day to meet your spouse’s emotional needs.  Third, be intentional...
Aug 10, 2015 / Dating Your Spouse

The Importance of Laughter

Laugh together.  It’s no joke.  Laughter not only makes us feel good but according to research cited in the Canadian Family Physician journal, it releases chemicals associated with bonding.  A hearty belly laugh increases oxygen in your blood stream and gives your heart a workout.  That releases even more feel good endorphins.  Humor helps us cope with stress; it relieves tension and creates a feeling of intimacy,...
Aug 07, 2015 / General

Make Your Apology Sincere

From cheaters and domestic violence to red-handed corporate executives and red-faced politicians, we hear apologies galore. But does simply saying, “I’m sorry” mean they’ve taken responsibility for their mistakes? No.  Sometimes it just means they are sorry they got caught. There are four steps toward a true apology. First, acknowledge what you have done wrong. Second, grieve that wrong. Third, ask for...
Aug 05, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

How a Wedding Can Make Your Marriage Stronger

As my wife Susan and I reflected on a friend’s recent wedding, we could see how weddings really can help strengthen our marriage. Here’s how. First, a wedding can inspire awe in us for our own marriage. Watching a couple start their new life together reminds us of where we were when we started AND how much we’ve grown. Second, weddings cause us to ponder our own commitment, if we’re willing to listen to the...
Jul 30, 2015 / General



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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