
Browse our collection of over 926 broadcasts

10 Texts to Send Your Wife in the Next 10 Days

Texting can be a great way to send a much needed note to your wife. So I’m challenging you and husbands everywhere to send 10 encouraging text messages to your wife in the next 10 days. On the first day, text her: “Today’s been rough, but thinking of us helps me see again how much it’s all worth it.” Day 2, text her: “You’re my best reason to go to bed at night and my best reason to get up in the morning.” It...
Jun 15, 2015 / Husbands

The Question That Answers Everything

Author Andy Stanley says, “Every parent should teach their child to ask themselves this question: In light of my past experiences, my current circumstances, and my future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing for me to do?” So let’s break it down. First, past experiences. Have your child look back on their past mistakes and successes and determine what worked and what didn’t. Second, current circumstances. Help...
Jun 12, 2015 / General

5 Meaningful Father's Day Gift Ideas

As a dad, I can tell you that the best and most meaningful gifts I’ve ever gotten from my kids weren’t bought in a store, they were given from the heart.  So here are some meaningful, heartfelt Father’s Day gift ideas.  First, give the gift of respect.  Make a top 10 list of reasons why you respect him.  Second, give the gift of time.  Create four cards with four things that you want to do with your dad in the...
Jun 11, 2015 / Holidays

How to Communicate with Your Teenage Daughter

I think we can all agree that communicating with teen girls can be a challenge. So as a parent, how can you do it well? Here are 3 simple way to communicate effectively with your teenage daughter. First, don’t project your dreams onto her. It’s crucial to guide your daughter down the right path, without forcing her to lose sight of her own dreams and goals. Second, be honest about your mistakes. Share the ways...
Jun 10, 2015 / General

10 Strategies to Restore an Ailing Marriage

Just because your marriage is ailing, doesn’t mean your marriage is failing. So here are 3 strategies to restore an ailing marriage. First, stop taking one another for granted. Instead, appreciate your spouse by thanking them for the little ways they serve you each and every day. Second, surround yourself with healthy relationships. Intentionally spending time with strong couples will encourage you to remain...
Jun 08, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

Sometimes I Hate Being a Mom, Now What?

It’s all too easy for parenting to feel like a project, rather than a relationship. So how can you recapture the joy of motherhood? Here are 3 simple ways. First, stop comparing your child to other children. Instead, learn to appreciate them as a unique creation with their own strengths. Second, give yourself permission to be imperfect. Get rid of the impossible expectations you’ve set and find comfort in simply...
Jun 05, 2015 / Motherhood

7 Sucker Punches to Stop Throwing When Fighting with Your Wife

In every marriage, conflict happens. HOW a couple argues is actually more important than IF a couple argues. Here are several ways you might not be fighting fair. First, if you bring up the past, even when it was supposedly forgiven. If something is forgiven, let it go. It shouldn’t be used as ammunition. Second, bringing the kids into your conflict is a low blow. Leave them out of it. Third, don’t sucker punch...
Jun 04, 2015 / Communication



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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