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7 Signs Your Marriage May Be in Trouble

Jun 22, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage     

It’s hard to watch a marriage crumble, especially when one or both spouses stubbornly refuse to seek help. So here are some signs that may indicate that your marriage needs outside help. First, when communication on meaningful issues is almost zero. It’s a big red flag when spouses cannot have a civil discussion on something important. The second sign your marriage may be in trouble is when the only shortcomings one sees is in their spouse and not their own. The spouse who always blames and never takes responsibility is the poster child for denial. For more signs your marriage may be in trouble, check out my blog at

For more on this topic from my blog, go to 7 Signs Your Marriage May Be in Trouble.



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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