
Browse our collection of over 926 broadcasts

Why Your Marriage May Be Better Than You Think

A lot of couples look at other married couples and think their marriage isn’t so good. But here are some reasons why your marriage may be better than you think. First, you live in the same house and sleep in the same bed. Believe it or not, there are married couples who don’t live together or sleep in the same bed. Second, you are faithful to your spouse. You may not feel like you’re married to the most ideal...
Jun 25, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

The Man’s Guide to Being Content

Contentment sometimes seems elusive. It’s something everyone wants, but few know how to get. So today, I’d like to share with you 3 keys to contentment. First, assets do not equal worth. Society constantly says that the more stuff you have, the more value you have. But the truth is that peace and joy is found in giving—not getting. Second, envy is a personal wrecking ball. Until you learn to stop comparing...
Jun 24, 2015 / Inspirational

3 Tools for Building a Stronger Family with Jon Gordon

Great leaders build strong families. Here are 3 tools to help you lead your family well. Tool one: Love. Loving your spouse and kids is key to building a stronger family. Love must be your highest priority. You must love your family well to lead your family well. Tool two: Serve. Serving your family and putting their needs above your own shows you want to help them succeed in whatever they are doing. Tool three:...
Jun 23, 2015 / Relationships and Communication

7 Signs Your Marriage May Be in Trouble

It’s hard to watch a marriage crumble, especially when one or both spouses stubbornly refuse to seek help. So here are some signs that may indicate that your marriage needs outside help. First, when communication on meaningful issues is almost zero. It’s a big red flag when spouses cannot have a civil discussion on something important. The second sign your marriage may be in trouble is when the only shortcomings...
Jun 22, 2015 / Saving Your Marriage

10 Texts to Send Your Husband in the Next 10 Days

Send him an uplifting text message. In fact, send him one every day for the next 10 days. Here’s what you can say. First day, text him: If you feel really burdened today, remember that I want to help you. Day 2, text him: If you asked me again today, even after all we’ve been through, I’d still say, “Yes!” Day 3, I’m looking forward to having some time alone with you soon. Let’s plan something! And Day 4, text...
Jun 18, 2015 / Wives

7 Mistakes You Should Let Your Kids Make

It’s hard to know when to let go and let your kids, especially your teens, make mistakes or even fail. But, sometimes, letting your kids make mistakes is the best way to help them learn. Here’s a simple list to help you to determine when it may be okay to let your kids make mistakes. First, let them fail a test. Sometimes all it takes one bad grade and one consequence to wake them up to the importance of studying....
Jun 17, 2015 / Discipline

3 Strategies for Turning Trials into Triumphs with Jeff Kemp

We’re faced with a lot of blitzes in life, but here are 3 strategies for turning your trials into triumphs. First, take a long-term view of your life and the situation that you’re facing, such as illness, losing a loved one, a job loss. Second, be willing to change and become more humble…maybe more of a teammate and less of a solo artist. Third, take your eyes off yourself and focus on others. How can you bless...
Jun 16, 2015 / Inspirational



The Family Minute is a daily radio feature that offers everyday advice on marriage, parenting, and family relationships.

Mark Merrill

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